Ruptured hernia


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
One of our Black Australorps = she had a huge swollen bulge under her vent - we first noticed it a year ago. I tried to drain it with a syringe thinking it was ascites but just got a tiny drop of blood - no fluid. A couple weeks ago I took her to a vet because it had been getting bigger and bigger. He said he felt a mass but it could be a tumor or a hernia or something else, and if she's eating and drinking and walking around and laying eggs then to leave her alone. So I did. Well, today it split open and her intestines were dragging in the dirt. What do I do? Wash her out and stitch her up and hope for the best? Or put her down?

I've had chickens for just one year and don't have a lot of experience with this kind of thing.

(Edited to reword title of thread)
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Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for an animal is to put them out of their misery.

Put her down.
so sad, but I would have to agree.

So sorry for you xx
I know its easier for me to type this, than it is to do it but I would put her down as painful as it may be for you, it's probably the best thing for her.

My husband didn't want to give up without trying. I would love for her to live but I have grave doubts. I think if a bowel obstruction doesn't do her in, peritonitis or sepsis will. I'm trying to get my husband to agree that we will put her down if it looks like she's suffering and not going to make it, but I'm not sure I can tell what that looks like in a chicken.

We washed her with several changes of water, washed her with sterile saline and then my neighbor stitched her up. But it was so not "sterile technique" ultimately.
What was amazing was that she didn't make a sound even once throughout the whole ordeal. Does that mean she wasn't in pain?

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