Russian Orloffs... PLEASE tell me they are girls!!

I honestly didn't know what I was buying when I got them... The guy there that day wasn't too bright... first he told me they were Araucanas and that they would lay green eggs. Well, did a little research online and found out neither to be true! My BYC friends set that straight! I should have gotten more. They said they were supposed to all be pullets... They are out of them by now. The lady who does the ordering said that she might possibly get more next Spring. Might ask her to throw a roo in there for me if these turn out to be ladies!
Thanks! I am so stricken by them... they are so graceful and their bodies just flow... love their longer necks and muffs, and adore the coloring. Just wish they would get a little friendlier! I didn't realize how rare they were, and how they were on the endangered list a couple decades back! Makes me want to breed them!
Doubt hubs would appreciate that! I've already got some messed up chicken math going on... what he doesn't know is that 8 of my 12 incubated eggs are definitely viable (the others I put in later and can't tell yet), and have a dozen turken eggs heading my way next week! Ooops!
You're right... don't know why I thought it was Sand Hill. But Ideal Poultry doesn't have them on the list on the website. *says they are sold out*
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Yay! Those feathers by the tail (not going to call them saddles since I want girls! lol) had me a little worried... glad you think so!

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