Russian Orloffs

I'm curious if anyone on here has read "The Russian Orloff Fowl" by J Batty, and if so, if its worth buying? He seems to have written a number of poulty books, just trying to find out if he's that knowledgeable on the various breeds or if they are more compilations of info available from other sources. Ie is it orth the money?
If it's anything like the Araucana book, don't waste your money. If you want some pics of the photos, I could post some; they're laughable. I've seen better photos taken by a blind man in the dark with no flash. He also doesn't give any in-depth information, just repeats everything a few times to fill the pages. The book isn't for the serious breeder, it's probably more for someone who forgot to put their glasses on and doesn't have access to a pc.

ETA: That's a bit of a harsh review, isn't it? lol
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I just had to chicks from desertmarcy arrived this morning. They seem fine after their long trip from AZ!
(I did put extra Nutri-Drench in their water so it's not as dirty as it looks...LOL)

I'm so happy to finally get Orloffs from great lines!
Wow, those are dark compared to mine. I have three chicks here now and they are a perfect range of light to dark. Has anyone got results back from that down tracking/study that was mentioned a while back? I was wondering if there was any early indicator in their coloring.
Wow, those are dark compared to mine. I have three chicks here now and they are a perfect range of light to dark. Has anyone got results back from that down tracking/study that was mentioned a while back? I was wondering if there was any early indicator in their coloring.

Hee hee, those are my chicks
I have been getting almost all nice dark chicks from my two original hens bred to a nice red son which is where those chicks are from. I have been really happy with them. I can already see some spangling on some of the chicks that are only about a month old, I am thinking the ones with some spangling on their wings are females? Now I am finally getting some fertile eggs out of my original red male bred back to a group of 6 daughters, and so far, those chicks are ranging much more in color. I have some very light yellowish ones that I have to do a double take in the brooder bin because they are as light as my New Hampshire chicks, and some that are darker. So here is my chance to see how those light ones turn out. I will need to mark them now, good idea.
Well, you can feel free to share your stock with me next time :) I wonder if the spangling showing up now indicates that they will have too much white later, given that spangling is supposed to develop more and more.
If it's anything like the Araucana book, don't waste your money. If you want some pics of the photos, I could post some; they're laughable. I've seen better photos taken by a blind man in the dark with no flash. He also doesn't give any in-depth information, just repeats everything a few times to fill the pages. The book isn't for the serious breeder, it's probably more for someone who forgot to put their glasses on and doesn't have access to a pc.

ETA: That's a bit of a harsh review, isn't it? lol
Actually it was very useful and what I was suspecting... :)
Well, you can feel free to share your stock with me next time :) I wonder if the spangling showing up now indicates that they will have too much white later, given that spangling is supposed to develop more and more.

I am not sure, I just see tiny specks on the ends of feathers. I should take a close up and post. I pretty much stopped hatching chicks from that trio for now unless someone orders some because I already have 21 of them for myself on the ground and a lot of chicks from my other breeds, but if you want me to hatch some chicks and send to you, I will be happy to do that. PM me.
Anyone else on here into genetics? I've been doing a ton of reading wrt both spangled/speckled and Mille fleur genetics, since the primary difference is the mahogany (Mh/Mh) vs (mh/mh). One thing I found of particular interest is that eWh based birds will start with more white and the eb ones with more partridge like juvenile feathers, even though adult feathering on either base will look basically the same. I believe the US speckled Sussex are supposed to be based on eWh (or maybe e+), they avoid the barred juveniles, but has anyone found a stated preference in the Orloff? This could explain the wide variation in chick down, if our Orloffs are incorporating eWh, eb, and even wild type.

Other tidbits (specific to Mille fleur so may be covered by the Mh in the orloff)
eWh/eWh mille fleurs hens will have a lighter breast colour (wheaten) in hens
eWh/eWh mille fleurs roosters will be missing black striping in hackle and saddle feathers
eb/eb mille fleurs are always a darker red than eWh mille fleurs
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Wow, those are dark compared to mine.  I have three chicks here now and they are a perfect range of light to dark.  Has anyone got results back from that down tracking/study that was mentioned a while back?  I was wondering if there was any early indicator in their coloring. 

Hee hee, those are my chicks :D I have been getting almost all nice dark chicks from my two original hens bred to a nice red son which is where those chicks are from. I have been really happy with them. I can already see some spangling on some of the chicks that are only about a month old, I am thinking the ones with some spangling on their wings are females? Now I am finally getting some fertile eggs out of my original red male bred back to a group of 6 daughters, and so far, those chicks are ranging much more in color. I have some very light yellowish ones that I have to do a double take in the brooder bin because they are as light as my New Hampshire chicks, and some that are darker. So here is my chance to see how those light ones turn out. I will need to mark them now, good idea.
Have you noticed any barring in their juvenile feathers? Some of the reading I have done indicates eb based chicks will be brown and eWh will be yellow...

Edited to move my question out of the quoted posts.
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