Russian Orloffs

There are Mahoganies available if you know where to look, and project black/white mottled.

I have two cockerels, and can only keep one. One is big and very spangled, the other is almost solid brown, skinny, but has a beautiful long neck. They both have good and bad points and it's killing me to decide between them.

Other option is to cull them both, and hope one of my chicks will replace them.

Most owners write that a cockerel needs a first molt before you can decide whether to keep him as a breeder or not? Maybe hold onto both of them until you see them at maturity?
Not gonna happen, unfortunately

I have 7 hens (Only 2 of them Orloff) and 2 cockerels that are almost a year old. The girls are looking beat up and the boys are starting to fight - one has to stay at the edge of the run at all times or he is chased. Not a good way to live.

Only one coop and run, so one, or both, have to go.

I have 3 Orloffs that are 3 weeks old, and 8 in the bator due next week. There should be a few cockerels to choose from if I decide to go that route.

Who did you get yours from?
I am sure there are people out there that would like the white feathered birds more then the others. I know we are mainly working towards the spangled variety in the SOP, but maybe someone else would want to work on just the whites too. I have both but am working on whites as well all I need to do is build another house and run for them.
I am sure there are people out there that would like the white feathered birds more then the others. I know we are mainly working towards the spangled variety in the SOP, but maybe someone else would want to work on just the whites too. I have both but am working on whites as well all I need to do is build another house and run for them.

White or predominately white would thrill me!!!!!!!
Most of my sales go to San Diego, LA, Or Orange county and some to Bakers Field, and they all seam to want Spangled but If there might be a Market for the whiter ones I will start saving the ones that come out a little whiter and see if there is a market for them and maybe I should put the word Extremely Rare in the selling head line ... So no more culling them ..
This I what I came home to this evening

And it was the last candling before the Easter Hatch

And there is also another chicks working it's way out

These eggs were marked 5 Mar 16, so I believe they hatched a little early

Leaping Rabbit Farm in FB to see some of my birds.
Whiter is going to happen because of the mottling, period, and you can contact Erhard Weiss if you want Mahogany but there are also some other folks who have them. Getting in touch with the Russian Orloff Society will be a good start to tracking those people serious about the breed and who have colors and sizes

Well this is Tuesday night to Wednesday morning

From left to right 1st one hatched Tuesday morning and 2nd one in the middle hatched early Wednesday morning and 3rd one is the wet chick in the photo above hatched late Tuesday night .

In the next couple of days I am hopping the on time chicks will be hatching and the brooder will be alive with beautiful fuzzy but chicks


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