?'s on paypal & hatching eggs from bst on byc?

ok, I almost dread this next question...ha ha...

but an ee is an aruacuna or americana?? and they both lay green/blue eggs?

I'm mostly looking for a nice bird that lays funky colored eggs...just for fun for my girls.
araucana and ameraucana are pure bred colored egg layers. What the hatcheries advertise are not actually these breeds but a mix which people call the easter eggers. EE can be anything and crossed with anything. They just carry the colored egg gene from probably originally having some araucana or ameraucana blood. So long as they lay colored eggs you can call it an EE no matter what breeds are in it. That's why they can have all sorts of personalities.
araucana and ameraucana

So what are those breeds like and are they more expensive then since thier pure bred and like what kind of cost difference?

what do they look like anyway...any of the 3 colored egg layers?
Again easter eggers are mutts and can look like anything too. I've got some bantam EE eggs in the hatcher from a lady that had many different colors. Hatchery EE I've seen though tend toward a standard mixed brown color. Like various shades of this one

Most breeds have lots of different colors. Some colors are rare and worth more than others. Try http://feathersite.com/ for pictures of various breeds and colors or search the breed in google and hit images.
Ok...I just went to breeds and figured out the sticky on top...

I can't help but think these are kind of funny:


Thanks for trying to explain something that seems to be of complexity.
My BO hen is a good chicken except A: she is shy and doesn't want any thing to do with people though she will eat a pecan out of my hand.
B:she can be nosey on occasion but not always :cool
C: Her name is friend (she is not "friendly" )so I some times consider changing her name
but over all they are good birds

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