sad day for me.... stupid neighbors complained on me...

Yes and it works both ways, if a dog barking bothers you they have to stop its barking or get rid of the dog if people complain. Only thing is most people just don't bother complaining about the dogs. I had a neigbor when I lived in town whose dog barked none stop, he finally had surgery on the dog so it couldn't bark because of people complaining so much.
I dont complain about my neighbors barking dogs because they use their snow blower to clean behind my truck, the sidewalk(not even on their side of the street) and "so far" no one has complained about my chickens. That said. We had a rooster. Neighbors LOVED him. Liked hearing him crow. But that was during fall and winter. Doors and windows closed. I was sure that was going to change when the warmer weather arrived. So I rehomed him. Well the crowing plus the fact the silly bird attacked he hand that fed him more than once. With a small kid I couldnt have that

It does stink that people are more accepting of barking dogs,dog poop and such. I can tell ya though. A neighbor around here says boo about my girls and hell will be rained down on the neighborhood. Dogs or Macaws.
That is sad..Hopefully something positive can result..maybe if you go to your neighbor and apologize for the rooster and ask what they think you should do instead of getting rid of them..I'm trying to think of something to help..I've had a couple neighbors that had roosters and peacocks..But they were NEVER a nuisance to me..I was probably more a nuisance to them..Meaning, I worked from 4pm-12:30am and my daughters would start laundry when they got home from the sitters..(dad picked them up) anyway I'd come home flip on my laundry room light and those roosters would cock a doodle doo..I thought it was adorable..Anyway, hope it works out for you..Debbie
hello all, so ive decided to put the boys in the garage and kept the girls in the backyard. they seem to be doing fine. but one of the girls keep making these weird sad almost tone clucking sound. i feel bad but i have no choice to separate them, didnt want the neighbors to complain on me again. i had an offer by a friend who owns a farm to adopt them but i guess my mom was attached to them as well. i guess what im gonna do is keep them in the garage and every now and then i will release all of them in the backyard to go mingle with each other.

btw, thanks for all the comments.
Hopefully that will work for you but I like Gumpgirls post. Hope your neighbors move. lol I have over 50 roos maybe closer to 75. I would have to count and I love to hear them in the morning. It's awesome with all these birds. Good luck
lol i personally love hearing them crow too. i dont find it annoying one bit. my room is above the garage and i can easily sleep through it if i didnt work in the mornings. it would be nice if my neighbors move, anyways just curious does anyone else here have their chickens in the garage, if so do they seem happy and healthy? i still feel guilty cause naturally they are supposed to be outside.
Noooooo! How awful for you! We have one (1) roo and he's vociferous, but to date have had no complaints. That's probably because in the dead of winter everyone has their house locked up tight and fly South.

Fortunately, there is only one neighbor in this small community who complains about anything (and everything). She's the one with the yapping auxiliary-back-up dog. Go figure.

I agree that they should have approached you first with their concerns instead of calling animal control. Not everyone is especially kind.

I'd rather hear roosters crowing, dogs barking, cats meowing, woodpeckers pecking, birds talking, crickets chirping, and every other sound of nature instead of enduring these freaking jet water skis and boat motors. Oh well, can't have every thing you want, eh?
Sorry to hear that! I heard that if they are in the coop crowing if you raise the roost close to the ceiling they wont be able to raise their head to crow. If they can't raise thier head then they can't crow. However I don't think they will be in the coop 24/7. It is funny about the laws. I was walking in a neighbor hood the other day and someone had this REALLY loud obnoxious parrot screeching, or what about people yelling profanities at their kids? It's just messed up. Maybe you can find a friend with a farm?
They can still crow. Trust me. I traveled with our Partridge Rock roo over an hour to his new home. That boy could not stand in his box. But he was crowing with no issues.

My neighbor a few doors down has/had 3 parrots. All we hear all summer is that screeching from pre dawn til after dark. I think that might be why the guys directly across the street from her now have three dogs that they leave out all night. Only one barks constantly though. I hardly ever hear my hens, but they are "illegal" I dont get it
Some people just aren't happy unless they're making somebody else's life miserable. They can't just be content. They have to have drama and conflict or they're bored to death. A lot of the parents of the special ed students I have are like that.

Too bad people just can't get a life.

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