Sad discovery... UPDATE

Oh she's cute! She'll do well under your care! Let us know how she does.....good job dentist dude
They gave some bizarre reason for the salt water... I was just so disgusted I quit listening... I wish I would have had room for more, but most of them seriously should have been euthanized.

This old hen is SO flighty. It's like she's had zero human contact. She is roosting in my grape vines tonight. I think she'll be safe. She spent most of her time eating grass today even though I had fresh layer feed, a little scratch, water and some salmon available. My other hens would have DEVOURED the salmon in minutes. Her first few poops were very runny but I noticed some normal looking ones this evening.

I wish I didn't have a scout campout this weekend... I'd be giving her a bath, slathering vaseline on her legs and feet, dusting her with Sevin.... I wonder if the feathers will ever grow back in and she seems so lonely.. she walks back and forth along the fence and can see the other chickens in the distance.
What do you think?

DS said I was hard on them and that I should have just had them come to BYC!
Poor bird, It's only her first night in her new home...she's being cautious and trying to be safe. I have a rescue hen like that. It's been 2 years that I've had her, but she is my cautious hen, always scooting past me while the others just hang around my feet. I just cleaned out their henhouse and she was so NOT SURE about going back in - she flew up into the crabapple tree instead.......I had to use a stick to get her down and guide her back into the coop. She trusts me, just VERY cautious....

You'll do fine with her. She's unsure of her situation, once she knows she has it good, she'll come around for you.
Glad you had the heart to save one of them. I'll never understand why people obtain animals to only take them home and neglect them. Makes you want to lock them in a pen with no food, water, or necessary care.

Well I'll be!

All of the TLC for this hen paid off a little today... She laid a BIG green egg!
I think she has the potential to be a great beauty also. Bless her heart! I can't believe she laid an egg for you already!

It's probably just her funky legs and featherless bottom that are making her look old.

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