Sad Rooster


In the Brooder
Oct 18, 2018
We have a small rooster which we introduced to our flock of 9 girls a few months ago. He was small when we got him but thought he was just a young bird...
He has settled and is very friendly, inquisitive and is easily handled. However he is still very small, has hardly put on any weight and is being bullied by the bigger hens...
I am worried there is an underlying health condition that i haven't picked up on...what checks are recommended to make sure he is ok? Should I separate him out to be monitored or would that cause extra stress?


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Ooh, does he look like a girl????

Im new to having chickens but was assured he was a rooster. I haven't heard him crow though...
Looking nice and red in the face , nice and healthy . If you want her to grow increase the protein levels in food but she does look like a bantam ( small version of a breed),

Looks cute :)
compared to the rest of the chicks, two of them had curled tail feathers, so we assumed these were the boys...ive attached another picture (bit blurry) but shows the tail feathers...

I separate him out to feed pellets so that i know he is getting enough and they have a constant mound of active compost to get bugs and grubs from.

Do you think its worth separating out to monitor?


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