Salmon Favorelles Roo or pullet?

I have 4 salmon Favs that hatched out almost 4 weeks ago. I have one female, two male and honestly one that I still can't tell LOL!! It has the black on some feathers and not others. and the "shoulder" feathers are brown like the pullet, but it has a huge comb. I think it is confused
I have had Bantam Salmon Faverolles for three years now and I can tell for sure at around 3 weeks. The little boys will start to get tail feathers and the will be dark. You will see little pin feathers around the shoulders that appear very dark as well. The little girls will get the shoulder feathers a bit earlier, at least mine have and they are obviously rust colored. I usually wait until these shoulder or tail feathers start to come in. There is a subtle difference in the early wing feathers and unless you have one of each that are the same age, it is hard to tell without the comparison. My last two are little boys.
These chicks are about 4 weeks old and you can see what she is talking about as far as coloring. The first two are pics of the same girl. And all the rest are boys.









So the boys come in lots of shades and patterns but they all have BLACK. The females are pretty much brown and white with a little bit of darker brown on the wing.
Grrr, I think mine are still a bit young to tell. They are only a week old. I need to take pictures. Grrr...
Thanks for all the great info. I can't wait to watch them grow!
HAHA!! I am totally busted. I am such a jammie and sweats girl!! It really irritates me when I have to actually put on clothes to go somewhere...... such a homebody. At least I didn't have my sherriff of the bed jammies on LOL!

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