Saluti dall'Italia

We actually use our rabbits as meat rabbits but I am trying to sell some as well. They were eating strawberry tops. Very pretty chickens! I am not a big fan of naked necks. We also raise ducks! They are some kind of runner-swedish-cayuga mix.

I absolutely love my naked necks, I've got some small selections too.

but, not going crazy for ducks, perhaps, i like indian runners, especially the apricots
I was talking to someone else yesterday and they love there naked necks too. I love,love,love my ducks. I will miss them so much when I go to school soon. I'll still get to see them in the evening though!
Well I am actually just about to graduate my senior year of highschool but then I am off to become an animal control officer!
it could be a nice career.

I've tried to be transferred to forest patrol during the army (in Italy, it was mandatory), but it was nothing to do

are you during the spring break now?

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