
May 24, 2021

I was wondering if anyone has samples of letters they have written to their local board for a allowing chickens and/or for ordinance/law change to allow them?

I would think that the best letters would be custom crafted to reflect the current status of the Ordinance, the proposed change(s), and supporting reasons, perhaps with a bit of local history.

I've not even seen much in the way of model ordinances, doubt there is a widely used template for "selling" that ordinance to the Town Board, City Fathers, County Supervisors, whomever.
I helped write one a couple of years ago for our town. I will see if I can find a copy but it was pretty simple
No more than 4 hens
No roosters
House/ coop has to be 10 feet from neighbors lot line
Need to register your property with the stare of Wisconsin Dept of Agriculture- in case a spread of diseases. It is free and takes 5 minutes.

I was wondering if anyone has samples of letters they have written to their local board for a allowing chickens and/or for ordinance/law change to allow them?

I would also go and talk with who ever leads the committee or board about the opposition if that is what you are really needing to address. If there are others in your community that have chickens or want to have chickens I would elicit their input and support. Do you have access to a local list serve like NextDoor? It would be a good place to ask about others interest. Hard fight to do alone-
Good luck
If you can find or copy such a letter to review to help change the mindset of stubborn village members who do not see past the discriminated laws that were set as a standard when 10-20 acre lots were affordable. Lots of this size now is 20-30 million.
If you can find or copy such a letter to review to help change the mindset of stubborn village members who do not see past the discriminated laws that were set as a standard when 10-20 acre lots were affordable. Lots of this size now is 20-30 million.
This thread is 2 years old, my friend, if you need assistance, you'll get updated answers with your own thread. :)

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