Save the swans

I don't see an issue with mute swans. If we killed every animal that wasn't a native species to North America- that would be a lot of animals. Let's start first with of course chickens; finishing up with let's say man.
Outcompeting is natural selection by another name.
There's gotta be a better way.


I signed the petition for you

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Chickens are not invasive because they have not established large breeding populations in the wild. Also it is not natural selection because the animals are not naturally there. The ecosystems have not developed around them and because of this they do great damage. Killing the swans saves the lives of other animals.
ya so when u think about humans are not a native species and we kill the native speacies than everother introduced species combinted so how about the goverment start killing humans and there is much smarter ways to get rid of them like catch them and sell them to breaders
I live on the western shore of The Chesapeake Bay in Southern Maryland, so I understand how invasive they are and the damage they do. But I hate that the park rangers here will just shoot them on sight, babies and all. It's like a fun sport to them. I've seen them laugh while doing it. A friend of mine works down the street at Point Lookout State Park and carries a gun in his truck JUST for this reason
There has to be a better way to fix the problem. I know they aren't native and are considered a menace, but ANY living thing deserves better than the mute swans get here. Native or not. If you'd ever seen a park ranger taking out a pair and their babies you would think so too.

As a side note..I was on my knees leaning over a marsh pond one day to catch a dragonfly with my 5 year old grand niece and we spooked a big male who took flight over our heads. It was awesome. Sounded like a helicopter taking off. They are HUGE and I think, lovely.
I had an interesting idea, scientists could easily produce an infertile genetically modified creature and design it so that it would out compete the invasive species. This would work better with fish because they could be easily and cheaply mass produced.
no they should not bury or burn them that is a waste these birds need to be treaded with respect if they are killed they should be eaten and if they wont be eaten then dont kill them

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