Saved a duck, thought y'all might wanna know

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Seriously? I am constantly reading about people shooting all manner of wildlife to protect their flocks on here, and someone saves a baby duck and it's Armageddon? That is whacked.

You are not harming wildlife by keeping it. It would have died without intervention. It is not going to magically adapt back into the wild without the example of a wild mother, especially not at 8 weeks. And any wildlife rehabilitation center would probably end up keeping it, too, for the same reason.

Just erase this thread, say you bought the duckling at a feed store, and be done with it. That's my advice.
Seriously? I am constantly reading about people shooting all manner of wildlife to protect their flocks on here, and someone saves a baby duck and it's Armageddon? That is whacked.

You are not harming wildlife by keeping it. It would have died without intervention. It is not going to magically adapt back into the wild without the example of a wild mother, especially not at 8 weeks. And any wildlife rehabilitation center would probably end up keeping it, too, for the same reason.

Just erase this thread, say you bought the duckling at a feed store, and be done with it. That's my advice.
😅 I would erase this thread If I could it was supposed to be a cute thread but it's gotten too political
😅 I would erase this thread If I could it was supposed to be a cute thread but it's gotten too political
This isn't politics. This is talking about a federal law that has been around longer than we have been alive. You don't get to pick and choose what laws you want to follow, and taking wild animals, no matter the reason or how cute you think they are, is seldom a good idea. That duckling's mother could have easily come back. Your friend made a "warm fuzzy feel good" decision that was stupid.
@the_peanut_coop if you save any kind of wild animal never post it just keep it hush-hush you'll always get screamed at for it I'm not mad i would have done the same thing and i don't see how a rehabber can magically release it being wild they will keep it i would be sure
Okir do you know any moderaters that will come to my rescue quick quick?
i don't see how a rehabber can magically release it being wild they will keep it i would be sure
Wildlife rehabbers absolutely do release wild ducks. The ducklings are raised appropriately and then released at the right age. Even non-wildlife rehabbers can raise wild ducklings for release. There's lots of information online about raising wild mallards and then releasing them, look it up 🙂

This duckling is still a wild animal, with nothing that can prevent it from being released at the right age. It's natural instincts aren't going to go away just because it is in captivity. Why shouldn't it be able to have a natural life?
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