Scab around vent & watery, smelly poo


11 Years
Nov 13, 2008
Hi everyone, I have a year and a half old hen who appears to have something going on I am unfamilair with. About 3 days ago, I checked on her as she had been the the coop more than not, though not on a nest. I lifted her up and looked at her bottom, and she appears to have a scab around her vent, as well as the the right of it. The skin surrounding the vent appears whiter than normal. Her poop is has an off, foul odor and is runny. She appears to be straining when she does poop and hasnt been laying for at least a month. Her appetite is somewhat less, but appears to be drinking water okay. I do not feel an egg in her abdomen. I have isolated her and have been cleaning the area with antimicrobial and water twice a day. Any ideas on what is going on, and what steps I should take? Thanks, Linda
My hen has almost the same problem. But I looked at her butt and to the right there is maggots in a puss filled open wound. I can smell an infection. any Ideas. I am a 1st time chicken owner and she is 1 1/2 old
Maggots only eat dead infected flesh, but I couldn't leave those nasty looking things on one of my chickens. Clean them off and wash out that wound with warm water and provodine. Make sure you get all the pus out. Then I would put some triple antibiotic cream on it. Check it several times a day to see if pus is reforming or if red streaks are forming. Keep it clean as possible. If it doesn't clear up, you may have to giv her antibiotic shots. I would see about putting antibiotic stuff in her water if it doesn't start improving in a day or two, but if that doesn't help, then try shots.
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Maggots only eat dead infected flesh, but I couldn't leave those nasty looking things on one of my chickens. Clean them off and wash out that wound with warm water and provodine. Make sure you get all the pus out. Then I would put some triple antibiotic cream on it. Check it several times a day to see if pus is reforming or if red streaks are forming. Keep it clean as possible. If it doesn't clear up, you may have to giv her antibiotic shots. I would see about putting antibiotic stuff in her water if it doesn't start improving in a day or two, but if that doesn't help, then try shots.

That maggots only eat dead flesh is an old wives tale!. This condition is called flystrike. Most maggots will eat any flesh.

Flush the wound THOROUGHLY with regular strength hydrogen peroxide (use a syringe). DO NOT dilute the peroxide; you will only do this once. You must remove EVERY maggot. Fill the wound with FLYS Off or SWAT (same thing, one marketed for horses, the other dogs) ointment; is is also a one-time treatment; I would also suggest dosing the bird with ivermectin. Daily you will need to flush the wound with diluted povidone iodine; do not try to close the wound; bandage it only loosely--it needs oxygen.

Get a prescription of Baytril from the vet to fight infection; alternatively use a broad spectrum such as penicilin. Feed a nutrient-rich diet and keep the bird inside away from flies until the wound is healed.

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