Scabbing IN the feather shaft?


10 Years
May 11, 2013
Poor Wobbles is a mess of problems, isn't she? after her bath I noticed some stringy red bits on her wings. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the scabs were IN her blood feathers! They look a bit like beef jerky shoelaces. The shafts aren't bent or broken at all and the blood vessels are receding anyway. Is this normal? I've never seen it before. Don't have work today and she's not in distress so I'm not worrying too much, it just seems really bizarre. None of her other feathers have done this, just one or two of her flight feathers.

If this is normal, will the scabs dissolve on their own? Do I need to pluck the feathers? I hope not!
New one on me, Amykins. If you can snap a few photo's for the record, that would be good.

Unfortunately I can't right now, it's impossible to keep her still, hold her wingtip out AND manage the camera at the same time. I'll try when my hubby comes home.

My concern is perhaps the blood vessels burst before they had a chance to recede, but I'm not sure how that could have happened if the shafts are still totally straight and normal.
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