Investigating Scrolling Issue


drumstick diva

Still crazy after all these years.
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Aug 26, 2009
Out to pasture
I'm having a very aggravating problem with "scrolling." I spend a lot of time on the New Member intros as well as what breed or gender is this. Both involve scrolling down long lines to find new threads.

I am finding that even without touching the curser, the threads scroll up and then down by sorcery or ???. If I try to click on a thread, it moves out of my way. This is really causing a situation which brings on :he. Hence my once round head is now taking on a square- ish look (see avatar)

On the previous website" marked as read," threads were in yellow, and the white indicated unread. Easy peasy to find and scrolling up and down moved much faster despite the heavy traffic.

Now the marked threads show a tiny image of my avatar. I thought it was adorable at first but did not realize now much harder it is for me to see than the YELLOW.

By the time I notice a new one, the involuntary scrolling up and down makes it very difficult to click on it.

I have a generally well behaved wired mouse - that has no batteries to go bad.
I just noticed on the keyboard using 'up and down arrows', there is also some non stop scrolling. I don't get a new computer for about two months- so have no idea if that will correct this.

Does this unorthodox behavior suggest computer problem or ????? something else. :hmm
I haven't run into a scrolling issue yet.
Could it (your device) be running a little slow?

Have you selected to "watch" the new member introduction thread and select to receive alerts when a new thread is created in a watched thread? I find it very easy to "keep and eye out" for new members this way.
Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 8.53.48 PM.png

I believe the little avatar of yours you are seeing in your marked thread list means you are a poster in that thread. (you already posted something in that thread)
If you notice in this picture of my watched threads list you see my little square avatar pic on top of the OP of the threads avatar.....those are the threads I actually posted in...the "Run Floor..." thread I am watching but have not yet posted in.

Is this the little avatar pic you are speaking of?
I am finding that even without touching the curser, the threads scroll up and then down by sorcery or ???.

yes, that is weird Behavior! I haven't seen it myself, but we'll keep an eye on it. Hopefully other members will report if they are having the same problem and will be able to duplicate it.

On the previous website" marked as read," threads were in yellow, and the white indicated unread. Easy peasy to find and scrolling up and down moved much faster despite the heavy traffic.

So, you would like more of a visual representation of which threads are and aren't read? Right now we have them in bold with a DOT on the left of the thread title.
YES, Nifty I like something more visible. Speaking of the DOT, I have noticed them but, didn't know what they were. I still prefer yellow but, that's just me. Blaze orange or neon green might work as well.

Thank you for listening. My computer experts (?) son & brother just blew me off, as usual.
YES, Nifty I like something more visible. Speaking of the DOT, I have noticed them but, didn't know what they were. I still prefer yellow but, that's just me. Blaze orange or neon green might work as well.

Thank you for listening. My computer experts (?) son & brother just blew me off, as usual.
I have one of those brothers too!
He literally laughs out loud when I call with a question.
Yessiree , Kiki- it happens also on" What breed or gender is this," and sometimes replying to a watched thread. Maybe my curser and or keyboard are just worn out. I suppose with the posts I have, they have aged much sooner than normal.

I expect(hope) my son will fix it when he comes in a few weeks. Allegedly he is getting a new PC or building one for me.

Thank you for asking.
I've had scrolling issues also, but i thought it was because my premium membership expired and i haven't upgraded yet, and the ads take longer to load the page. That wouldn't be DDs issue, but I'll watch to see if i can identify any other correlation.

eta - funny, i actually read this thread because of an accidental click in the wrong spot because of the erratic scrolling. Lol

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