Seabastapol house goose question

I called Sand hill this morning, they are a 10 hour round trip. Their money is on the mail. When the goose starts to hatch, I will be there hopefully before it dries.
Congrats looking forward to seeing your new gosling.
Awe, thanks, now it needs a name befor I start calling it goose so long it thinks thats its name.. that happened with my Puppy that is now a dog and doesn't know her name is Rainy.
I have a "house duck". She's a disabled Snowy Call duck who's back was broken and rehealed. She spends time outside with me but comes inside when I or my husband come inside. Her health is fragile as well as her spine so we keep her protected. She loves the fresh air and sunshine. Loves to dig through the mud, eat bugs and worms, and chasing us. She also loves snuggling on the couch with us. She's the most people friendly duck I've ever seen.

I've seen people who have house ducks and geese who don't understand that they NEED that connection to the outside world. One woman's Muscovy duck is terrified outside because she's lived inside for 2 years. She's having health issues with the duck and is running back and forth to the vet. The vet keeps telling her that the duck HAS to go outside for its own health but the woman doesn't seem to get it. Its like they're being killed with kindness.

I think we have it easy with Sadie because she was an outside duck before she was injured. She gets excited when we bring her outside. We set her on the ground and she toddles behind us. When we're ready to go in, she follows us back in. She's kept inside for her protection. The vet said that if a drake tried to mate with her, it may injure her back. We had a choice, put her down, or bring her inside. We chose to bring her inside.

Hi there! I couldn't find a thread for people with house geese so I thought I would ask here.
My little gosling is making a huge mess in her kennel because I can't keep her diapered while I'm at work (would over fill and make a huge mess all over her and anywhere she is hanging out and would probably be very uncomfortable and possibly unhealthy). She is currently just on a towel in her kennel when I'm gone and overnight. It absolutely reeks and I can't imagine she's comfortable in that smell and sitting on a layer of poop. I was trying to think of other things to use on the ground. She eats pine shavings (I put her on some while I was cleaning her kennel - it's what I use for my baby chickens - and she was eating them and I don't know if that is bad for her) so I don't know if I can use that.
So I was wondering about kitty litter? Would it be bad if she ate it? I was just thinking it would be quick and easy to keep clean so she is comfortable without having to change the entire flooring multiple times a day.
Don't use kitty litter they will eat it. Use Cedar chips you can buy a big bag of devils tower or equal brand for about 10.00 from a farm store. They are messy, they do smell and it doesn't change or get better. You change diapers every few hours for 15yrs.. thats a house goose. You either love it, or you hate it. I don't think there is a middle ground.
Don't use kitty litter they will eat it. Use Cedar chips you can buy a big bag of devils tower or equal brand for about 10.00 from a farm store. They are messy, they do smell and it doesn't change or get better. You change diapers every few hours for 15yrs.. thats a house goose. You either love it, or you hate it. I don't think there is a middle ground.
I think it will be ok once she is older and can wear a different type of diaper (one with a poop cup so the poop is always squished right up against her butt) The baby diapers that grow with her just aren't designed that way yet. They need to be changed every 20 minutes or so, and that doesn't work while I'm at work. Leaving her for a few hours while I'm at work will be just fine when she's older. I researched like mad before hand, I'm not sure that "ready" but I am aware of what is required to care for her =) I got her in place of a pet dog - I am extremely allergic to dogs, and as much as I love them and love to snuggle and play with them, I break out in hives, can't hardly breathe, get horribly itchy eyes, and I'm just miserable. I haven't had ANY problems with my chickens though and I'm always burying my face in their feathers (I love chicken smell haha) and I've never had a problem with goose down so she is my "puppy".

I always here that cedar chips are bad. I can't remember if it's just specific animals (I have had rats, and currently have chickens and rabbits, so I may be confusing information). What if she eats those too? Is there anything else that she won't eat? Is it BAD for her to eat the pine or cedar chips? She is between 2 and 3 weeks.
iajewel I sold a gander to a lovely lady in New Jersey. She named him Oliver the goose and if you go to youtube you can look for Oliver there. Leesa has written 3 children Books about Oliver that are educational for children and even an adults can learn from them. Oliver plays the paino too!

If anyone else is interested in Oliver he is a Sebastopol gander and is becoming famous for his children stories. Oliver is a super smart gander and he does what Leesa ask him to do. Oliver brought out the writer in Leesa and has brighten Leesa's life up so much.

If you do go look for Oliver it will say Oliver the Sebastopol Red Diaper goose.
Also good luck with your new gosling from one Sebastopol owner who loves her sebbies!

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