Searching for Black Copper Marans chicks for sale


8 Years
May 6, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
Hello all! Anybody have any idea who may have some Black Copper Marans chicks for sale? I am in southern New Mexico.

They have GREAT Marans in several varieties and they are gorgeous. They are in Michigan, but I do believe they ship.
Hi, all. I ordered 12-BCM eggs from an ebay listing last month and of the 12, 9 hatched. There is a person in Kentucky that sells BCM eggs for a reasonable amount. Why not hatch your own? Just a thought. . . I am in Southern Indiana, by the way, and willing to hatch more!
I have some beautiful French Black Copper Marans that meet all of the French standards. They have just started laying and after I have hatched some chicks of my own to test their fertility and to make sure their traits breed true or reasonably so, I will be selling hatching eggs and maybe chicks later on. I can e-mail pictures to anyone interested or may repost some here after I have had a chance to download the pictures. Feel free to e-mail or message me for more information. We are in the Dalton, Georgia area.
I had this picture that I e-mailed to someone earlier of my eggs.

They are from the Black Copper Marans, my Rhode Island Reds and my White Leghorns.

I have a trio of bcm's 3 1/2 months old available for purchase for $45. Pick up only at our farm in NE Texas. Have photos of eggs from same flock these originated from and a few of the birds for sale.
Roo and one pullet are feather legged. One pullet is clean legged.
Thank you.
Well, I broke down and bought some BCM eggs from Chickenscratch. Just put them in my new Brinsea incubator. We'll see how it goes- this is my first time hatching. : )

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