Searching for posts by a user


9 Years
Nov 30, 2010
Edgefield county South Carolina
My Coop
My Coop
When i click on a post by a user under their profile, I am taken to the last post in that thread. Is there a way to go directly to the posts that the user has made without searching the entire post?? Thanks for any help to this non geek. ..stan

Sorry, I got it!! What a dummy!!
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Hmm... you can go to the tread and then click on "search thread" at left bottom. Then put in the user name.

Editing here. I just tried something different. Go to user profile and under avatar is "see all posts"
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If you click on all posts in their profile, it will bring up all the posts they have made starting with the most recent.

I haven't had time to play with the search yet, been too busy trying to answer everyone's questions.

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