Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I took Sebastian's jacket off to wash it (it was so stinky). I let him outside for a few minutes to eat grass and walk around. You can see where the dog ate part of his wing. :( He is doing really good! I can't wait for him to go outside! My house is so stinky!
Yes, Kind of weird as something came in stating that there's a BYC error and an automatic report was generated. Odd thing is the album exists in my profile along with the earlier one. Worked for me and must be working for others according to the number of views already.

Dave I looked at your pictures and they are so beautiful! I hope mine grow up to look like those!
Oh it worked that way- WOW!
mycutekitties: He's looking very good! Just a couple more weeks and hopefully you won't be able to tell he was injured!

HappyMtn: Gorgeous! I'm still jealous that most of you have GREEN grass! Ours is dead, brown, and crunchy when you walk on it. Geese are getting the bolted lettuce from the garden because I'm having trouble even finding good quality hay for them! If I do find hay for them they only have the big round bales and I don't need one of those!

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