Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I would like to have a nice general antibiotic on hand for my geese/ducks/chickens. My vet swears by baytril. She tells me that it is rx only. But I found it here; And it doesn't say anything about needing an rx.

I have also read that Baytril is close to cipro. And my neighbor uses fish antibiotics on her dogs. (she is a breeder) Has anyone used the fish antibiotics on birds? Or cipro?

Anyone have any input on what they use, or where to get it? Or how to save on buying it?
I always heard that fish antibiotics are the same as human and canine ones- 500mg Amoxicillin is 500mg Amoxicillin....Your vet will charge you $40 for a bottle for your dog, most pharmacies charge you $4.

As for twincities- I bought some chicken vaccines form them. Was all ready to round up the birds and then found out you need a syringe to mix the vaccine, but they did not include one. From now on I always make sure I have a few on hand just in case. They are just a few cents at the co-op.

*Also found out after a raccoon attack that geese can have aspirin. 5 regular aspirin per gallon of water. Or about 25 baby aspirin. I use the low-dose ones because I figured the fruit flavor might be less offensive. Cost me $1 per gallon.
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I always heard that fish antibiotics are the same as human and canine ones- 500mg Amoxicillin is 500mg Amoxicillin....Your vet will charge you $40 for a bottle for your dog, most pharmacies charge you $4.

As for twincities- I bought some chicken vaccines form them. Was all ready to round up the birds and then found out you need a syringe to mix the vaccine, but they did not include one. From now on I always make sure I have a few on hand just in case. They are just a few cents at the co-op.

*Also found out after a raccoon attack that geese can have aspirin. 5 regular aspirin per gallon of water. Or about 25 baby aspirin. I use the low-dose ones because I figured the fruit flavor might be less offensive. Cost me $1 per gallon.
Thank you for the input Goose and Fig. Did you smash the aspirin or does it just melt?
Do you know correct dosage for goose antibiotics? Which one do you use?
Looks like a splash to me! Totally weird that is lays on it's back! Does if fall over? How does it get on it's back?
Yay! Thats what the lady thought who gave me the eggs for free haha.
I put it on its back.. it tends to fall asleep like that then.

What do you think it would be price wise? I probably wont sell it but just curious. And I THINK its a she.
I do not recommend putting birds on their backs. The lungs of a bird is located towards the back and when turned over like that they have difficulty breathing because of the pressure put on the lungs by the other organs.
I do not recommend putting birds on their backs. The lungs of a bird is located towards the back and when turned over like that they have difficulty breathing because of the pressure put on the lungs by the other organs.
I agree. About her value, it depends on how much they go for in you area and where her breeding is from.
She dosent mind it.. when she wants up.. I let her go. I dont force her there for large amounts of time..... And the lady I got the eggs from the geese are from holderreads and the one is from the lavendar ice line.
She dosent mind it.. when she wants up.. I let her go. I dont force her there for large amounts of time..... And the lady I got the eggs from the geese are from holderreads and the one is from the lavendar ice line.

Holderread sells Lavender Ice Americans. Did he use those to get the color in Sebastopols?

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