Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Trish are you breeding for show quality Sebastopol's? If so as Pips and Peeps says the pink bill and feet are a disqualification. Breed her to a gander with deep orange feet and bill.

Is your little stinker related to any of the ones you have? If he gets too out of hand and you can not stop his aggression you may have to rehome him. I am afraid for your 2 year old when he is full grown since she is so little he can hurt her because they can bite really hard and use them wings to flap and hurt her. As you can see I am worried about the 2 year old..... If he is like this now it will get really bad during breeding season.

I wasn't planning on entering them in any shows but would still like to breed a good quality Sebastopol next year. I have no intentions to breed the smooth male because I prefer the curly feathers plus he is potentially aggressive now
If it is not just a phase I will definitely be re homing him.

I am expecting aggressive behavior during breeding times and was planning to only allow them certain fenced areas for those times. Right now they have the run of my property which they enjoy and so do I
I was hoping outside of breeding they would remain friendly and can remain a part of the family. I am always very careful with my 2 year old around our birds and she is never allowed outside unsupervised so no worries

This was a few months ago but you can see they are very loved and a big part of our family

Cottage rose OMG! Your seebies r to DIE for! Some of the prettiest ive ever beeming with pride on their beauty


You will probably get both. You need to make sure that the gander you breed her to is not related and carrying the same recessive trait.

Your bird is a granddaughter of Lela, below.

WOW- Lela is so PRETTY!!!! Very cool to know my Lucy is related to her

Even though they are suppose to have orange I really like the pink on my Lucy- it just adds such a softness to her.

I will be sure to ask Celtic about my curly gander and hopefully they are not related so I can breed them. He does have a pretty orange bill and a very different look to him so fingers crossed

Thank you so much for all your help!!!

And thanks to everyone who posts on this thread! Even though I haven't posted before I have been reading faithfully hoping to learn more about caring for them.

Trish.......... your boys are related to each other but not the two girls you have. The girls are out of two different moms as well one being not related to any bird recently pictured on this thread.

Thanks Celtic

So I should be good to breed my curly male to both girls- sweet!

So crazy that those boys are related lol. One is super sweet and the other is a little stinker! Just thinking out loud here but what are the chances that if I do rehome the stinker the other gander will take his rightful place as leader of the flock and then become a stinker himself?

Could his behavior just be a normal "protecting the flock" thing or is it just like roosters where some take their jobs more serious then others...

Chickens I know...geese not so much lol

I had to put up a fence during breeding season to keep stud boy from attacking everyone, fortunately he is over it now that all the goslings are gone but him and my daughter still aren't friends any more he bit her twice during breeding season and still hisses at her so the fence stays up. If I couldn't keep him separate, I would have to get rid of him. .but he was sweet until breeding season started. I miss the goslings
wish spring was closer

Left wing in question...

Closer look

This is the right wing.. I dont think anything is wrong.. but both wings when held out look fine....

Right side when closed

The left side... It sticks out!! Sometimes it tucks.. sometimes it does this!!! What is going on!???

You can see it here as well ^ right above that arrow it twists out.

Here it is aga^in sticking out more above arrow

This was found on the ground the Quik just fell apart and this is just the feather

This is what the quik did.. just fell apart!

What is wrong with my goosey!!! :(
Your goosey is molting some of the feathers. They have to drain all the blood in the quill before shedding the feather. Now the wing feathers are sticking out some but not awful. With Sebastopol's this seems to happen. I have three I might have fed too much protein or fed them too much food and it caused TWT (Twisted Wing Tip) which is what I think this is on your gosling. Two of mine are smooth breasted and have TWT. I taped them and the one worked on the one smooth breasted the other still has a problem with one wing. So might have to wrap it again. Then I have a white curly and believe I have to re wrap it again.
Your goosey is molting some of the feathers. They have to drain all the blood in the quill before shedding the feather. Now the wing feathers are sticking out some but not awful. With Sebastopol's this seems to happen. I have three I might have fed too much protein or fed them too much food and it caused TWT (Twisted Wing Tip) which is what I think this is on your gosling. Two of mine are smooth breasted and have TWT. I taped them and the one worked on the one smooth breasted the other still has a problem with one wing. So might have to wrap it again. Then I have a white curly and believe I have to re wrap it again.
I showed the pics to the owner of the parents of mine, and she said she didnt see the twt in it. her one had it... I am going to wait a little bit longer and see what happens.. its been like this but hasnt got any worse... I hate this!

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