Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Zima above is a splash if nobody figured it out yet. Not sure.
Crazy busy here too! Yikes! Cannot wait to start shipping out 2013 goslings.
I said "never again" last year when keeping too many gosling but did it again this year. (duh)
Going though over 100# of feed a week and its lots of work but worth it to pick out a couple keepers
and have lots of extra to share with others.
Where did summer go???
Do you know what color splash they are, though? Someone in a FB group said that Zima might still end up being a white b/c sometimes the whites have gray feathers when they're still younger like this and they molt them out and that I should know by 20 wks. Iota (iota, as in one little iota) is darker than Zima is. Do you think Iota's a blue splash and Zima's a lilac or a lavender?

Also - if you still have anything available, please PM me details. I'm hoping to find a buff somewhere.
Sorry I don't have buffs.

That bird is not a white genetically nor will never it ever be all white.
Yes female white goslings tend to have some juvenile grey feathers on their rump but your bird is a splash
which have black and grey markings in various versions like the one you posted a pic of.
While some splashes lose some of their baby feather coloring they will still retain some grey and black feathers.

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I'll have to go back and look at your pics to answer your other questions but have to run right now. TTYL

Edited later to add...Zima is a splash, not a lavender which is all light grey color and a lilac is buff colored with a slight blue grey sheen. Looks like you have some splashes and the obvious saddleback.

Also you can't just get lavender, buff, lilac etc. unless both your breeding birds are those color or both carrying a recessive gene for those colors. In other words... say you breed a white x saddleback...they are not going to pop out a lavender or whatever. Lavender really isn't that common of a color. Dave Holderread told me there were only about 2000 or less of them in the U.S.

I was going to upload some pics to show you colors but can't seem to at this time.
Keep getting some dumb message. Will try later.
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We had at one time Buff, Lilac and Lavender all here on property and were able to show them side by side by side.
The above sets show each of those three colors.

This photo (below) Shows BUFF (left) Lilac (middle) and Lavender (right) All three are 2012 hatches and roughly the same age and all three female.
photo taken in 2012. left and middle goose still live here, far right no longer does.

After owning and breeding the color "Lilac" I would argue that there is no true color of Lilac rather the color should be labeled CREAM as that is what it truly appears as on adult feathered birds.
Shelly, once when I was talking to Dave Holderread, we were talking about buffs and if I recall right he said the cream looked like "dirty whites" so I think lilac and cream are two different colors
because I know Peaches didn't look dirty white. Do you still have her?

Here's Peaches bred by Chris Frantz @ 7 months old.
Shes a lilac but it doesn't show well here.
I'll try to find the pic thats shows the grey sheen.

Having problems again...can't get the pics to upload.
Will try AGAIN later.
This is Peaches

Lilacs as they are called have a mushroom coloring. Its a blue based buff/cream color

This Piper (peaches 2012 daughter) and the middle goose pictured above with the three colors in one shot.

and no we do not own Peaches any longer, she shipped this spring to her new home. We do own Piper still, she is my babysitter for the juvies
She is in a pet home in PA, and last I had word she is well spoiled and loved as well.
Hi Shellie JJ, Toffee and Butternut are all doing great!!! Growing into some beautiful young adult colored Sebastopol's. I just LOVE the Buff girls and JJ is getting really nice as a grey too....

How are the ones you got from me doing???
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