Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Wow! They are beautiful! how much were they? Does she ship goslings?

you would need to ask Jean, but I would do it via email or PM.

Ok. I might. Thanks! (i wont be able to get any for a year or two yet
OMG!! That is just a stunning photo!!

Thanks! I love taking pictures of the birds...and they pose wonderfully! Except for my call ducks
. I cant ever get a great picture of them.
Wow, they sure are. I'm looking forward to seeing mine get cleaned up..... lol. They are looking ratty! I have to say, they are fun.
Who do you guys get your geese from? I want lil baby ones...they are so pretty. are the males really loud? I know my females are loud when they hear something or someone near them how much louder are the males? I live in largo,fl and we can have as many animals as i like(as long as i can care/keep area clean) but no roosters or loud animals.
Our flock has come from multiple sources this year. The ganders are no louder than the geese. They all talk when they see us, or the feed store truck delivers. Oh and when the spoonbills land out back. LoL (we are in FL too)

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