Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

if it uploaded, go into uploads and click on my uploads and it should show your picture. You need to copy the link with the "
" surrounding it.

Use the upload tool to add a picture to the rom, them copy the img code under the photo and paste into your message. You can also use hints lie photobucket the same way. You need the entire code including the brackets that say - [img] in them for it to show up here.

Yes geese need other geese as they are very social creatures. Chickens just won't cut it for company for a goose. There is also a Sebbie dedicated forum (CottageRose) has the link in her signature on here. You might find another listed there for sale.
Hey Jean, congrats at Crossroads! The girls we to from you are growing out wonderfully. The one with spot on her head now eats from my hand and follows me gabbing away, she has more color coming out and her feathers are getting very long. The baby of the three is filling out and appears to have tan/buff tones showing on some feathers. Will be bathing her and looking closer to see the color. The middle girl is very fluffy, her legs are rapidly vanishing from view as her feathers grow.
Pete55 they are beautiful. You will fall in love with them. They are so graceful looking until they move. Mine trip and fall over just about everything. Funny as heck to watch. They take everything in good stride though...... lol.
AnitaBoyd, It's easy once you get it figured out. Just Copy the information in the second box where it says "Image." Once you copy that go to the post you want to put your picture in and paste. To see if it came out go to the bottom of your post where it says "Preview." This way you can see your post to make sure this is what you want. If so then just hit submit and you are done.

Is there a place that just says Post? I can't figure out how to post a message without tagging onto another persons.
Looking for a friend for Arwen in Minnesota(or anywhere)
Or maybe I just post reply at the top right. I am just enchanted by my new goose, but the marans don't think much of her. BTY the wheatens variety was approved by the AVA at Crossroads. We have 100 wheatens entered and 150 marans total. My hens took #1 and #3. Yeah girls!!!!
Oooh what a beauty!
You can go to any section (like "geese" or "ducks") and on the right hand side you will see "post new topic" button to start your own thread.

That's awsome news about the marans!!!!

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