Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Loving all the pictures from the last couple of days. I have been growing wheatgrass for my geese in flats I just got a 50 pound bag of seeds to grow barley grass, i buy lots of fruits and veggies to feed them my fiance says they eat better than we do lol but it is so much fun watching all the ducks and geese and chickens get so excited about their big giant salad everyday, but the geese are definitely my favorites. I have been gone for four days and my mom says when Asher lets them out the Pekins and the geese go to my door and call me.aww they miss me too. Helping my fiance move from Carson city too San Diego finally after 2 and a half years of being apart. Can't wait to get home I will take more pictures when I get there!
I'm going to copy and paste what I posted on Facebook about what happened to our Sebastopol goose Sebastian.

Update 1:
Our neighbors dog came on to our property and killed Red Wagon (my daughters Polish chicken/ and her best friend) and seriously injured our goose Sebastian (I think both wings are broke along with other serious injuries). I am praying Sebastian survives this attack. He is in our room in a dog crate. Our neighbor basically said she didn't care her dog came on to our fenced property (broke under the fence) and killed our pet and injured another. She said "Dogs just kill chickens I can't help it." I asked her to keep her dogs chained and she said "she can't". I filed a report with Animal Control but Animal Control told me they can't force her to chain her dogs up. I am so upset. The girls know about Sebastian but they don't know about Red Wagon yet.

Update 2:
We are back from the vet. Sebastian's wing is broke. He will be on antibiotics for 14 days along with "rest". He will be living in our master bathroom while he heals. He will have a hard time with balance for the rest of his life. :(

Update 3:
I just talked to Animal Control. They are marking the dog that killed Red Wagon and hurt Sebastian as "Very dangerous" because back in 2010 a different neighbor reported the same dog for chasing his sheep. So they are going to *try* and catch it and bring it to the pound. He said they tried to catch it in 2010 but was not able to. I sure hope they can now. He went back to his office to try and figure out the best way to catch it. I'm praying they can this time.

I created a Facebook page if anyone wanted to follow Sebastians progress:
My daughters chicken that was killed On the way to the vet: Such a big boy! His new jacket he has to wear for 14 days while he lives in the bathroom Both wings were chewed off (one is broke)
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Oh poor guy! So sorry about your hen too.
I have to tell you though- geese are very hardy. I had one survive a dog attack where his entire chest was torn open. We could see his lungs! There was soooo much blood. They are amazing animals. He's went on to lead a normal life and give me lots of pretty goose babies too.
I bet Sebastian will be back on his feet in no time
Oh poor guy! So sorry about your hen too.
I have to tell you though- geese are very hardy. I had one survive a dog attack where his entire chest was torn open. We could see his lungs!   There was soooo much blood. They are amazing animals. He's went on to lead a normal life and give me lots of pretty goose babies too.
I bet Sebastian will be back on his feet in no time :hugs

Thank you!
Oh that is awful!

The neighbors dog would have met my shotgun.. I hate having to kill other animals, but if they kill or injure one or more of my animals, it's game on!
(Thank goodness our neighbors don't have dogs! They don't like us and we don't like them, That's a whole nother' story that I will spare you with!) :eek:)
We are in the country and I when we were first here we had to hunting dogs come through and found out who they belonged to and he offered to pay for the birds, I told him no ,but if the dogs ran off again to please call me so I could put everyone away and he did otherwise we were loaded and ready to go to. Wish the animal control could tell them they need to pay for the vet bill and I know it wont' bring Red Wagon back but for him as well. I think the worst part is she doesn't care. I would be devistated if my dog did that.

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