**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Well, looks like I am in. So we set them Sunday? My Birthday is the day before that so if they hatch early...

I got home to an unexpected package from SCG today.. 6 NN and Olive egg and one "Unknown"... I'm guessing Speckled Sussex?

I'm praying for one of my Icelandics to go broody!... Should be fun to see if I can raise a NAKED NECK!!!
Where is the nice Young Man in the White Coat to get me my meds.....

I'm not a man (although I wanted to be a boy when I grew up) but I was just in my white coat making meds for other patients not too long ago (just got home). I didn't make anything good tonight, though. I spilled some ketamine on my hands a few weeks ago and had a numb arm up to my elbow for about 20 minutes. After I did it I was terrified that I was going to get selected for a random work drug test. Try explaining that one, Lucy. That's about as exciting as my life gets.

Does anyone here use chicken saddles? I have about 5 hens who (apparently) are the roos' favorites. It gets really hot here in the summer tho, so not sure its a good idea. But, could their bare backs get sunburned?
Here's a link for anyone who doesn't know what they are.

I HIGHLY recommend Louise's Country Closet. She's a BYCer and has excellent products, and incredible customer service. My saddles have lasted years from her, and hardly ever fall off. I do have one Houdini Hen that can get hers off sometimes, but the others keep theirs on.
Post #11...


So glad you (willingly) decided to join us.
I did set early so I candled today. Both Turkey eggs are developing and all but two of the 27 Guinea eggs are also.

I set 29 for the Hatch. That incubator also has 11 mallard duck eggs--I do not know how long they had been incubating before the farmer's goat ran of the duck.

I set early too. Didn't plan on being on this thread. wanted my hatch to coincide with the delivery of my hatchery chicks...then ChooksChick invited me in spite of that and here I am.

I candled just about every thing today...I need more time with my colered eggs but I have veins in my dorking eggs. Not all of them but in at least 5
The colored eggs make me second guess myself so I am holding off. I saw some definite stuff in them but not sure what it was.
Well, looks like I am in. So we set them Sunday? My Birthday is the day before that so if they hatch early...

I got home to an unexpected package from SCG today.. 6 NN and Olive egg and one "Unknown"... I'm guessing Speckled Sussex?

I'm praying for one of my Icelandics to go broody!... Should be fun to see if I can raise a NAKED NECK!!!
If you already have the eggs, set the m early to hatch on your birthday.

My 3 turkeys, their snoods are in, he he.... snood.... such a funny word! Isn't there a Dr Seuss Character named that or something! the Snoods oh no it was that thingin the Lorax everyone needs a snood!
I have three and a fourth that pitched a fit over a duck eggs today. Ducky decided to lay an egg where the chickens could see it. Guess where it's at right now?

I've had chicks hatching all day!
Five are out and 2 out of 4 remaining are pipped. Next week I'll have more hatching and the week after that as well. The feed store is going to love me.
OK im gonna try and write a poem about the bear cubs in the tree just above my chicken coop

Dogs out side got to pee
pretty soon she starts Barking
Mark goes to the door to see whats up
he soon says Tammy come get this pup

So away i go to Get the Bratt
I look up at the tree
Mark says whats that

A bear cub mark how did it get up there
it had to climb the fence how unfair
i see the second put the dog in the house
I notice my roommate is not a man but a mouse

In the green house he must hide
i tell him not to worry the cubs wont cry
so away to my hens i run like a flash

put them inside and try and hide my egg stash
the bears know where we hide the eggs
Cute little cubs boy was i Brave

My hens where safe the cubs really small but where was the momma after all ?
i hear her on the other side of the fence
i look at the babys and think this doesnt make since

Momma called her little ones thank god they listened
I got to my house and called mark a mouse and he said

That bear was huge ..........

LMAO we only seen the Cubs and they could of been 40 lbs

really cute no threat unless we threatened them i have walked up on mom and cubs feeding and just watched told her it was ok when she seen me and no threat was seen she had a full grown deer down probably died of starvation over the winter .
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I have three and a fourth that pitched a fit over a duck eggs today. Ducky decided to lay an egg where the chickens could see it. Guess where it's at right now?

I've had chicks hatching all day!
Five are out and 2 out of 4 remaining are pipped. Next week I'll have more hatching and the week after that as well. The feed store is going to love me.

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