Secret Serama Nest

I have seramas hatching in the incubator right now :)
Okay so I'm starting to worry. No pips this morning is early this afternoon. On Saturday the 2nd I dropped the egg and guessed by the chick I inside that most the eggs would be around day 13 or 14. If I was a really bad guesser which I dont think I am maybe day 12. That would make today day 18, 19, or 20. I know with using incubators humidity is important and since I'm using two hens could that me something to worry about? Should the eggs feel dry to the touch when I check them? Also, on Saturday the 2nd I moved all eggs and both hens to a straw lined box and carried them outside and over to my car where I drove 15 minutes to my house and set them up with the kitty pool makeshift brooder area. Could this fluctuation in temperature have killed the chicks? I also have their nests sitting close to the warm air vent to keep that part of the brooder warmer becuase the spare room they are in gets fairly cold. This is my first time ever having eggs hatch and I'm a constant worrier. When should I really be worried?
My husband and I candled the eggs in the dark tonight. 10 of them are fully developed and alive. They look like they could hatch anytime now. 2 more were alive and developing, but not close to hatch. 5 more we are unsure if the are developing or not and the last 2 we believe are infertile. We marked the ones due to hatch and set them on the same side they were on. We also marked the ones differently that we are unsure about. We will candle those in a few more days. Since there are two hens we are hoping one will continue to sit on the 2 younger developing eggs. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures of chicks tomorrow!

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