ZONE: 7b

In Search Of:

  • Sunflowers
  • Pumpkin
  • Larkspur
  • Interesting corn varieties (Have already grown Hastings' Prolific, Bloody Butcher, Blue Hopi, and Painted Mountain. Have Glass Gem seeds as well.)
Offering Up: Gourd and Sorghum are HEIRLOOMS grown from Baker Creek seed. Not much to offer for you this year :hit
  • Birdhouse gourd
  • Multicolored broom-corn sorghum
  • Small amount of heirloom Hastings Prolific corn as well, not from Baker Creek it was grown by us in 2016 and came from non-GMO tested seed from local grower
(Posted birdhouse gourd seeds on The Easy Garden site for sale as well)

Here are some photos of the gourd seed and one we painted

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What type of pumpkins are you looking for?
I planted the beautiful iriss you sent and I wanted to send you a cute picture of them popping up and then we got more snow today! Iris photo shoot in the way...

Awesome, can't wait! My tulip bulbs are still sitting here in the kitchen. The ground has been solid since they came but we have warm weather forecast over the next few days. I actualy have them sitting in the dirt in a pot that we brought in for the winter for now lol
@Smuvers Farm

I have blackberries taking root! It won't take long for them to be strong enough to head your way!

By the way these ARE thornless plants.

Lots of bulbs growing here. I will get pics when I can. :p

Wh00t Wh00t!!!

Here's the strawberry plants


Click on the pic and it'll enlarge and you'll see ALL 26 plants are growing. We expected maybe HALF would, but they all are! :wee
Glory of the Snow is what they look like to me.
Mine are not blooming yet...too cold :(
This is my lone crocus
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You're right! That's what they are! I put so many bulbs in that year I get lost on the names.

Even though yours aren't blooming yet they will soon. Then you will have the pretty flowers while mine are resting for next year. :hugs

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