In zone 5


‘Lots of Spirit Echinacea saved from my own plants.
Purple Echinacea
53-year old pole bean (have no idea what they are my soil in Virginia gave Me)
Bush bean
Petunia Wave
Pretty much just ask because I have sooooooo much.

Looking for..

Different mints prefer actual plants but lmk what seed you have.
Horseradish root
Strawberry plants
Iris.l(I love ❤️ them)
Red lilac cuttings
Berry bush cuttings

This is all I can think of at the moment.

In the fall I will have walking onion bulbetts and Sunchokes.
I listed what I have, but not what I'm looking for, because I forgot. Lol! Zone 7 compatible, please.

Yellow summer squash
Hot peppers (any)
Fruit (any)
Herb (any)
Broccoli Raab
Brussels Sprout
Hi! I've got summer squash, habaneros, scotch bonnets and jalapenos, and a bunch of herb seeds. PM me and we can set it up!
Awwwww. How do you feel about Iris?

I'm brand new here and was Blessed to find a Seed Swap!!!! What are the odds?!?!?!
I LOVE Iris's and so does my Pond but not Nearly as much as my giant yellow Canna Lillies or my black leaf red Canna Lillies... Found out that you Have to put up barriers (and hope they don't go under Or over) since the risome will spread rather rapidly if in or near water!!
Oops, I apologize for changing the topic to Canna Lillies..
I'm not sure how this swap works but I'd Love to swap something for some nearly black Iris's
Please advise ☺

I have nearly black. My true black aren't ready to divide.

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