Self-Blue Cochin Bantams

Self-Blue Count update.

While not an exact tally, the Self-Blue count to date is right around 25-30 birds. Last week produced 5 and this week I hatched 2, so the numbers are getting closer to my goal of 50, but I don't think I'll make it. I've stopped saving eggs from all but one pullet and I am breeding the f2 SB male (white feet) that I kept to her. She has excellent type, and yellow legs. While I don't expect any yellow legged chicks from this mating, they will at least carry the genes, so when bred to a yellow legged f4 SB male, I should see a good number of yellow legs from that, assuming that this f2 SB x f3 split breeding produces the kind of type that I am hoping it will.

I pullet the 8 oldest chicks out of a group pen last night and separated them by ckls and pullets. 5 cockerels, 3 pullets. Once ckl and one pullet (pen 1) have white feet. All the others have bright yellow feet! White feet on the Pen 1 chicks is what I expected (Ref: previous posts). I'll try to take a few pics. They aren't much to look at yet. Also as I've experienced before, the males are extremely slow feathering and have pin feathers on their shoulders and backs. Pullets are fast feathering. So far the color looks pretty good. Stay tuned.
Even though you may not hit your goal of 50, what you've done so far sounds very promising! And lots of yellow feet to work with!

Did you know that Diane Jackey already has all her Cochin stuff now available in Self-Blue?
Even though you may not hit your goal of 50, what you've done so far sounds very promising! And lots of yellow feet to work with!

Did you know that Diane Jackey already has all her Cochin stuff now available in Self-Blue?

I didn't know that, but I took a look at her on-line store. Wow. All that for a currently unrecognized variety. I especially like the fact that I can get some boxers with Self-Blue Cochins in them! And of course the newborn Onesies.
Even though you may not hit your goal of 50, what you've done so far sounds very promising! And lots of yellow feet to work with!

Did you know that Diane Jackey already has all her Cochin stuff now available in Self-Blue?

I didn't know that, but I took a look at her on-line store. Wow. All that for a currently unrecognized variety. I especially like the fact that I can get some boxers with Self-Blue Cochins in them! And of course the newborn Onesies.

Now you know we're gonna want to see pics!!!
I know they say dogs and their owners look alike. Do we see the same trend with chickens?
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I am trying to avoid looking like a Cochin (big and round)!!

so far so good!

The never ending battle for me.

Have you decided if you will be exhibiting these this fall?

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