Sell Me On A Duck Breed

Have you picked a hatchery yet? :pop
Do you have a suggestion?

ETA: It was rude for me to answer with a question. Although I haven’t decided on a hatchery I have been looking at Metzer, Meyers and McMurray.

Are there any other hatcheries that are more noted for ducks that I should be looking at?
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Yes, duck[farm]s can become NPIP certified too. Every hatchery must be, or else they would not be allowed to ship into other states. The reason why i mentioned the "neighborhood-ducks" is that those mutt-ducks are often more healthy and more vigorous than over-clean-bread incestious ducks. My black Swedish ducks for example are the cutest, friendliest feather-balls on earth, but every day another one is limping and it is not always a drake's fault. Sometimes they just stumble over their own feet and limp on…
At the complete opposite scale are my Buff-Orpington/Runner muttlings: They have the hybrid-vigor, are large, clever and know all too well how to wrap me around their webbed fingers, especially Mini Duck! - Which would make them really good pets. (imo)
But you're correct, with hatching eggs you never know what you get and may end up with all drakes…
Speaking of drakes: You cannot compare a drake with a rooster! Some drakes are rough to the girls when the hormones boil over in spring, but i have never seen a drake killing another drake. They brawl for a moment and then its done. And single drakes usually are very gentle with their girls, for example let them eat the treats first and just snack one or two. Drake sonly become a problem when there are not enough ducks around and they start to overbreed.
Thank you for this info. I am glad to hear that drakes aren’t quite as bad as people too, I hope!

I just might have to stop by that duck house up the road and ask them a few questions. Only thing is I never see anyone out in the yard with the ducks. Unlike my house. I’m sure people driving by my house, though a good ways from the road, must think a crazy a$$ lady lives there. 😜 I’m always out with the chickens, dogs and horses. A lot of the time sitting with a chicken in my lap watching the cars go by.

You never know, she possibly could be NPIP certified. But I really want all females to begin with. 🤞🏼
My Ducks have access to food and water 24x7 and they all eat responsible! All but Blanca Duck, she once fell asleep with her head in the feeder: And was awoken rather rudely when somebody stepped on her rump. :gig
But she is not becoming [too] overweight because she keeps up with the rest of the flock when they are running around the house, up the hill, down the hill, raiding the tomato-patch… And she is a very good mouser, turing into a "Kugelblitz" when she spots one.
Too funny and sweet at the same time. Is Blanca Duck one of the White layers you mentioned before?
Both plus pekings, but I think pekings are more like pet ducks than any other.
I suppose you could pet "Peking duck" but I was taught not to play with my food.

I would rather pet the
"Pekin" before they become Peking.
I prefer to pick my chicks up directly from a hatchery/breeder, I've had too many chicks die from shipping to buy online again. Very stressful for them anyways. Just look up breeders in Alabama and im sure you could find someone nearby.
I swore years ago I’d never do a hatchery after seeing so many heart breaking stories here about dead chicks and ducklings then last year I wanted Fawn an white Runners so I ordered 3 they sent 4, 2 died of shipping stress I Will never buy shipped again. It’s just not worth the heartbreak. Knowing what those little ones go through.
Yes they're beautiful, but imo the American Wood Duck is "beautifuller":
View attachment 2035355
And a native species, in dire need of help!
OMG look how gorgeous. I think the bird species has the most intricate coloring of all the animal world. I’m in awe! Also, @007Sean has some of the most gorgeous pheasants I’ve ever seen. They don’t look real.

We live less than 5 miles from Alabama’s Weiss Lake and do have several wild ducks, along with geese, and egrets that visit our front ponds, which are a good ways away from my house. We also battle the dang alligator snapping turtles every year. My little duck loves wouldn’t be safe if they ventured that far away. You can see how far away the ponds are from my yard. The front pasture is about 9-10 acres.

I just had to add this picture because I LOVE it. I caught this one day when I was bush hogging the pasture. I love the reflection of our mare and her colt.
OMG look how gorgeous. I think the bird species has the most intricate coloring of all the animal world. I’m in awe! Also, @007Sean has some of the most gorgeous pheasants I’ve ever seen. They don’t look real.

We live less than 5 miles from Alabama’s Weiss Lake and do have several wild ducks, along with geese, and egrets that visit our front ponds, which are a good ways away from my house. We also battle the dang alligator snapping turtles every year. My little duck loves wouldn’t be safe if they ventured that far away. You can see how far away the ponds are from my yard. The front pasture is about 9-10 acres.View attachment 2035441

I just had to add this picture because I LOVE it. I caught this one day when I was bush hogging the pasture. I love the reflection of our mare and her colt.
View attachment 2035442
Thanks @Mimi13
Khaki campbells, if your used to the egg production of chickens , these ducks will suprise you. They dont rear their own baboes well but they lay eggs so fast it seems almost not posible.
On the other hand you have chickens and rousters im asuming so you need something that wont get beat up , Muscovy are ideal coup mates for chicken.

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