Selling eggs and egg cartons

After keeping track of our feed costs all winter, Dh told me that if I wanted to keep selling my eggs for $3 a dozen I might as well tape a dollar bill onto each carton. OR I could raise the cost eggs to $4 and actually earn a bit.

I buy my plastic cartons from Murray McMurray. I prefer those over the ones I have from (which were hand-me-downs from another egg seller at market who didn't like them either).

As far as selling them for under $2 a dozen. I think you get what you pay for. I'd wonder what the chickens are eating. If they are able to raise them out on the pasture and not need supplement feed, that is one thing but many people I know who sell eggs cheap feed their hens junk.

OH, BTW - the article I read and a friend who recently went to the Portland Market said that they aren't $6 a dozen - $7 !!!

This is crazy! I'm sure glad that I own my chickens because I sure couldn't afford to buy their eggs and I hate the taste of the store bought variety.
Okay so I did some market research at one of our beautiful natural food stores 10 minutes away. They are paying $2 a doz for farm fresh egss and $3.49 for free range organic. They sell theirs for $3.29 and $4.49 respectively. Those are local grown.

I also asked about goat milk. They cannot keep it in stock.

Now I have one dozern more questions for you all!

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