September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

Well I snapped a pic of my loaded old incubator!! Center is due Friday - Mon, bottoms are ready 2 weeks & the top I just put in yesterday!
I think I may have a chicken hoarding problem!! Why is this incubator so big!!!
I set six eggs yesterday under Tiana the faithful brood hen. The chicks are F1EE (first generation Easter Egger) rooster, and Orpington or Red Sex Link hens. I wasn't planning on hatching any more this year, but what the heck. Tiana had to sit and watch the three Ameraucana hens all hatch their eggs and play with their chicks. I don't want her to feel left out. So far my Lavender Ameraucana hens are the best moms! They are so dedicated. I did get quite a few little cockerels this last hatch (I think). Hopefully this hatch will level the playing field. Hatch date expected 9/14/15.

Good luck everybody!

I'll bet she'll be a wonderful mother!

Best of luck!
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So discouraged tonight with the first Buttercup eggs we got. Yesterday was day 7. 6/9 seemed to have some development was super excited as these were the eggs that were in such rough shape. Two clears and one who knows what. My DH2B dubbed that one full of floaters. Also one that looked okay but I thought was oozing. So worst case scenario I thought five out of 9 so far. I was over the moon bc that was the worse bunch. Right? Nope. My Mom came home tonight and so we wanted to show her the floater egg and double check the leaking and couple others. We ended up doing them all BC every egg but two appear to have quit. I am devastated. I just hope it isn't something we did or that the other set ends up that way. I decided to check them again in a couple days to be sure. But I'm fairly certain. How can that happen overnight? And all at once? I know the eggs were bad off from shipping but I had hoped. Too early still to see much in the other 12. I hope they do better.
Eggtopsied the floater and leaking egg tonight just bad nothing visible but small grayish black things in the floater seemed small compared to candling. No idea what to make of that eggs still but definitely bad. But oh well wish it was just those two and the two clears.
I can't see anything in these Marans eggs :he

Buggy ey?   Sometimes, you just have to wait until the egg is quite full.  Then, watch towards the air sac.  See if there is a shadow movement. 

When can you safely do the egg float test? Maybe you will see some progress there?
(And if you have any that you have ANY doubts on,wait. Give it a couple,three days(as y'all southerners say
) just to be sure. I'd rather have certainty than doubt. Praying for you sweet
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So discouraged tonight with the first Buttercup eggs we got. Yesterday was day 7. 6/9 seemed to have some development was super excited as these were the eggs that were in such rough shape. Two clears and one who knows what. My DH2B dubbed that one full of floaters. Also one that looked okay but I thought was oozing. So worst case scenario I thought five out of 9 so far. I was over the moon bc that was the worse bunch. Right? Nope. My Mom came home tonight and so we wanted to show her the floater egg and double check the leaking and couple others. We ended up doing them all BC every egg but two appear to have quit. I am devastated. I just hope it isn't something we did or that the other set ends up that way. I decided to check them again in a couple days to be sure. But I'm fairly certain. How can that happen overnight? And all at once? I know the eggs were bad off from shipping but I had hoped. Too early still to see much in the other 12. I hope they do better.

I'm sorry to hear that. I know it can be discouraging, the same thing happened to me. None of my eggs hatched. This time many of them appear to not even be fertile. However, I have a few with some healthy chicks in them. You can even see their heart beats.

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