September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

Congrats on your hatch, I've had one Cream Leg Bar hatch so far today and another one has pipped. I also had 2 others hatch yesterday and 3 more eggs still to go over the next 2 days. Fingers crossed they all hatch well.
On my 4th hatch ever now and still so many questions or rather areas of confusion, I would have thought I'd have it down by now. Ok so my eggs are day 4. I candled a few. The yolk moves around from end to end, apparently that's normal? So I should wait until day 7 before I see veining and the yolk staying put when I candle? Also more sort of observations on the still air. I went dry my second and 3rd hatch and the temperature fluctuations were terrible. As soon as I put water in the channels the temp spikes were easier to control. Has anyone noticed that? Also I haven't touched the thermostat or added more water and the temperature and humidity are increasing, does that indicate life in there? Thanks
Well it's official. I finally hatched some fuzzy butts. Out of the 19 that went into lockdown I have 13 hatched so far!!! I'm so excited

Awesome. Keep em coming!

On my 4th hatch ever now and still so many questions or rather areas of confusion, I would have thought I'd have it down by now. Ok so my eggs are day 4. I candled a few. The yolk moves around from end to end, apparently that's normal? So I should wait until day 7 before I see veining and the yolk staying put when I candle? Also more sort of observations on the still air. I went dry my second and 3rd hatch and the temperature fluctuations were terrible. As soon as I put water in the channels the temp spikes were easier to control. Has anyone noticed that? Also I haven't touched the thermostat or added more water and the temperature and humidity are increasing, does that indicate life in there? Thanks

What kind of incubator are you using?
On my 4th hatch ever now and still so many questions or rather areas of confusion, I would have thought I'd have it down by now. Ok so my eggs are day 4. I candled a few. The yolk moves around from end to end, apparently that's normal? So I should wait until day 7 before I see veining and the yolk staying put when I candle? Also more sort of observations on the still air. I went dry my second and 3rd hatch and the temperature fluctuations were terrible. As soon as I put water in the channels the temp spikes were easier to control. Has anyone noticed that? Also I haven't touched the thermostat or added more water and the temperature and humidity are increasing, does that indicate life in there? Thanks

Day 4 is a little early, depending on the breed. 7 will be much more evident. Personally, I hold the egg fat end up, and candle down into the air cell. I dont flop the egg around. I move the flashlight to where I want to look, and only spin the egg. The yolks will move around some.

You could try wet sponges instead of filling the channels, to try to stabilize temps. If you have an easy way to re-wet them. Sponges are easier to pull out if humidity gets too high than removing water.
Here goes try #2. Got some quail eggs to practice on from Sill today (somebody more savvy tell me how to tag a person on this forum please). I am trying the chicken eggs just for kicks. They are fertile eggs from the store. I figured it can't be any worse than the first try (it may not be better, but can't be worse than 0%).

The two little ones are from Over Easy Chicken Ranch; picked them up this morning. One Black Copper Maran and one Blue Isbar.

If you have room in the coop for a dog kennel, put on some thick gloves, pick her up and put her in. Then you can look over the eggs really quick before placing them under her, again, wearing gloves and a thick jacket. Then shut her in. Some broodies may need to be forcibly removed from the nest once a day to eat, drink, and poop. She may try to go back to sitting in her old spot. Just pick her up and put her back in the kennel with her eggs. After a few days, she may get used to the routine and voluntarily get off the nest, do what she needs to, and then go right back to her eggs.

Thank you for idea I will give that a try. She's very feisty and pecked me when I tried to give her food and water.
Thank you for idea I will give that a try. She's very feisty and pecked me when I tried to give her food and water.
Your welcome. My first time broody was not a fan of her new nest site, but since I only have two nest boxes, she needed to be moved. It took her a few days, but she got used to her new 'broody routine.' I still have to move her off the nest every morning, but she is going right back to her eggs after about a half hour. Mine is a very sweet little broody. She hates me being there, but she never tries to peck me. I'm worried she won't be protective enough of her new babies.
We have our first chick! The little one popped out (with a little help) just over an hour ago. It got stuck zipping after about 2 hours of no progress I took the top off and a wet little chick kicked its way out of the shell. I was hoping to see more black mixed in with the red, but there isn't any. Maybe it will show up with the next generation, and maybe not. Oh well. Cute little bugger anyway. One down and two to go with this set.

Oh, I forgot to mention I added my last batch of 10 quail eggs(until spring, I promised DH) into the incubator for a hatch day of 9/30. It will have to be my last hatch. I have run out of usable brooder space. One of my brooder pens has been temporarily turned into a hospital ward. One of my new Muscovy juvenile ducklings was attacked by a dog. She doesn't have any visible injuries, however she doesn't want to walk or stand. I am hoping it is just a bit of shock, but I brought her in for closer monitoring.

Just candled. Tomorrow is day 18. At least 4 eggs have shadows pushing against the air cell membrane. I expect them to start piping within the next 48 hours. Hopefully I'll have some cute momma and chick pictures to post come Monday.

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