September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

Congrats to all the new chicks and guinea and peepers of all varieties!!!

I am starting to get a bit antsy now. Next week is a doozy of a hatch-a-thon. The first set of 5 duck eggs lock-down Thursday with four more locking down Saturday and into Sunday. The first set of ducks should be hatching Sunday. I had to toss 3 quail eggs because they were sterile, so only three will be put in lock-down on Sunday as well for a Wednesday hatch. The remaining chicken eggs will lock down on Wednesday for a Saturday hatch. Finally, the last quail set lock-down Sunday for a final Wednesday hatch. It is going to be a busy/crazy week. This is the first time I have put some many sets so close together. I think it will also be the last time. The staggered sets will have a little more space next time. Let's hope the hatcher is up to the challenge, it is going to be putting in some long hours.:th

Edited: I forgot to mention that I am also going out of town for a couple days between the last two hatching dates. Hoping and praying nothing goes wrong while I am away. (It wasn't my choice. She needs to move and it is very last minute for her also.)
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Six are now hatched. 4 black sexlink cockerels, and 2 pullets. One chick did not survive hatching. One chick needed assistance after trying to zip for over 4 hours. She's exhausted, but is getting stronger. I've got her in the incubator with the 4 eggs that need a bit more time before hatching. It's just a little too crowded under momma hen, and she's just a little too weak right now.
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How hot was your spike? Were you able to get it back down to 99 degrees? Any idea what caused it? Not sure what cousin it but it went from 100 to about 104
During a power outage caused by equipment failure on the electric company's part, I put my incubator outside during a day that was to get up to 84 degrees. After an 2 hours, I found out it had my mercury thermometer that was in the incubator pegged at 120... I still managed to hatch 5 out of 10.

Good luck on yours, but always know, there's always a chance.
Thank goodness i so worry about that.

Well my little zipper hatched. And on a different note. Something got my new white leghorn chicken a week ago and the night before last got my favorite chicken. A couple days ago we went to the fair and bought two adult geese. English buff geese. I found my dog wrestling with the female when I went outside. My hubby cleaned her up no real damage but she got the dog good above his eye. I hope thsmat teaches him.

Than Tonight my son goes outside to check on the chickens and finds a possum eating my dogs food. Needless to say my husband chased it off by pelting rocks at it. Time for a trap and I hope that we catch it before we lose anymore chickens or ducks and geese for that matter. I still have yet to move my broody chicken. One thing at a time I guess.

Sorry about your predators! That really stinks! You def need a trap & a defined area for your dog. I have lost 12 in my flock to the neighbors dog. I also lost 14 last year to what was probably the same issue.  I could only prove two. I just ordered a survellience camera. My next order is either a paintball gun or maybe a shotgun. We have a huge cayote population in my woods but I have never seen them next to the house!  Best of luck to you....I hope you do not suffer any more loss'

Are you getting one of those for the dog or the coyotes? If coyotes,in my area,there's no laws against killing a coyote at any time. It is legal. They're such a nuisance! I live in the country country on a 24 acre farm. My husband and I have lots of experience with predators. I would recommend a 12 gauge shotgun (loaded with target load)if shooting at night. Which usually is the case. You don't really have the option of seeing through a scope and getting it right in the crosshairs. Also,they explode when fired. So it's kinda like little bb's spreading over a wider range. Better chance of making contact. If it's in the day time,which is very possible, a 22 rifle works well. They've got a scope. Mine has a red x that can be enabled for more accuracy. Point being,you can see a lot better to aim at either the head or behind the shoulder area. Making contact in the lungs or heart. They usually travel in a pack. A shotgun can be reloaded quickly! But,we've had a loner show up in the middle of the day! If it's for the dog.....we have what's known as "the castle law"here. Our land and everything on it is our castle. We have the right to defend it by any and all means necessary. So for us,a dog that's jeopardizing our animals or anything really,is no different. But that's our prerogative. I'll leave it at that. I wish you luck. Any time you lose a loved one,especially to a predator,is just devastating. God bless.
(I will say this,if the dog or animal ,causing harm,is your own.....that would definitely be a harder decision to make. I haven't been in that situation. We just bought a 7 month old German Shepard. He wants to eat all of our animals. We have to keep him separate,on a leash or in his pen. If he was able to kill one of my furr babies....I think it would just be instinct to take him down. But,as I said,I've never experienced it. So I can't say for sure. So sorry to those of you who are in this predicament. )
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During a power outage caused by equipment failure on the electric company's part, I put my incubator outside during a day that was to get up to 84 degrees. After an 2 hours, I found out it had my mercury thermometer that was in the incubator pegged at 120... I still managed to hatch 5 out of 10.

Good luck on yours, but always know, there's always a chance.
Jeez! Did those 5 come out toasty & blackened?
Jeez! Did those 5 come out toasty & blackened?

I was worried they'd come out with brain damage, but they seem to be doing great so far (3 weeks now).

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