September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

[COLOR=333333]7 eggs pipped!  This is both the most exciting time and the most frustrating.  Yay, they're starting.  Boo, they're taking too long!  ;)[/COLOR]

Yay! At least they pipped. Mine have been rocking for 2 days and no pips, I'm going crazy.
If I could get your opinion on these eggs please. They are on day 14 last night when I took these pictures. and there are a few that I think are for sure Duds and need to be tossed before they explode but I would like an experienced person to let me know what their thoughts are. I will put what I think and have seen during my last night candling above each picture. Thank you for your help. These are all shipped eggs and they all came together.

Veins and chick moving inside.

Might have a chick but air cell is a little off and rest is too dark to tell.

Dud or clear


Early quitter or going to implode soon.

Great air cell but too dark to see anything at all.

There is a blob but not sure if it is a chick inside can't see any veins.

baddly saddled air cell and no veins

Not sure a chick could even develop with that air cell so wacky

Unclear if this has anything viable or not. Saddled air cell.

Saddled air cell. cant see veins. blob moves but not sure about it.
If I could get your opinion on these eggs please. They are on day 14 last night when I took these pictures. and there are a few that I think are for sure Duds and need to be tossed before they explode but I would like an experienced person to let me know what their thoughts are. I will put what I think and have seen during my last night candling above each picture. Thank you for your help. These are all shipped eggs and they all came together.

If an egg is questionable, I give it a sniff. If it smells bad, out it goes. If it doesn't smell then I keep it in.
If I could get your opinion on these eggs please. They are on day 14 last night when I took these pictures. and there are a few that I think are for sure Duds and need to be tossed before they explode but I would like an experienced person to let me know what their thoughts are. I will put what I think and have seen during my last night candling above each picture. Thank you for your help. These are all shipped eggs and they all came together. Veins and chick moving inside. Might have a chick but air cell is a little off and rest is too dark to tell. Dud or clear Dud Early quitter or going to implode soon. Great air cell but too dark to see anything at all. There is a blob but not sure if it is a chick inside can't see any veins. baddly saddled air cell and no veins Not sure a chick could even develop with that air cell so wacky Unclear if this has anything viable or not. Saddled air cell. Saddled air cell. cant see veins. blob moves but not sure about it.
Toss any that are see through/light or stink.
Called home and Dad says there are 11 moving around now. He can't tell if any more eggs have pipped yet, so I'll have to check that when I get home. How long should I give these eggs to hatch before I give up on them?
Called home and Dad says there are 11 moving around now.  He can't tell if any more eggs have pipped yet, so I'll have to check that when I get home.  How long should I give these eggs to hatch before I give up on them?

If you have any hot or cold spots in your incubator that can change things. However, they should all hatch within a day or two of each other. I usually don't give up on them until I am sure that there is no one alive.

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