September Egg Swap--Sign-ups closed--check posts for shipping updates!

I'm still waiting on confirmation DC# on your eggs 6littlechickies to know for sure that they went out. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow!

I guess my swap buddy is going to hatch them for me?

ahh do you want to trade?? I should have some black cochins eggs for this next week.
My Little Sister's Farm :

My eggs just arrived! 6 perfect little white eggs and 2 bonus ducks! All look good, great packing too. Will I know what they are right when they hatch or will I have to wait???

Thanks Tiana!!!

Your swap buddy wishes to keep her identity a secret for as long as she can
So she sent me this message:
Little Sister, good luck figuring out what your chicks are! It might take a couple weeks till they start to feather out, or even longer! These chicks might be obvious if you're familiar with the breed but if you've never had them you probably won't know for awhile! I'm gonna let you suffer for awhile....heh heh, I'm so mean! But feel free to post your guesses! The duck eggs should be easy to figure out when they hatch though!

did you get shipping confirmation on my eggs? thanks!!

Not yet, I got an email yesterday that they were going to send them, and then I would get the DC#. I haven't gotten the DC, so I'm not sure if they've been sent or not. I did send an email yesterday to check, but I haven't heard back yet. I hope they just forgot to send me the DC#
Okay, so I'm still waiting on confirmation that 6littlechickies's eggs are for sure sent out, then I'm also waiting on receipt confirmation from my3dearboys

Hopefully we'll all get them in the next few days!

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