September Egg Swap--Sign-ups closed--check posts for shipping updates!

aww SHelly my person who sent to me is not talking can you leak it to me please please ?
I really really want to know

Any of the later shipments hatching ? Anybody else had new ones today?
They are EE
You can probably tell by the color of them, if you're familiar with the ameraucana colors. But your buddy signed up with EE and 'other' LF, so that's what you got.
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lol I know they are ee they already hatched I just wanted to know who sent them ....and possibly what colors she has. Mine are too cute they have already feathered!!!!
These must be the eggs I received- I wasn't sure on the Leghorns, I couldn't tell if it said BC or BL on the eggs!
Anyway, they go into lockdown tonight....this is the batch that had the incubator failure though, so we'll see what happens....
My hatch is complete I think. Still have 2 in the hatcher that I'll give some more time, but as of tonight, I have 4 gorgeous little Black Cochin LF babies from Tofuranch. Thank you so much! They're just adorable. I had one other pip, but it died in the egg. And here they are........................

Thanks for the picture of the cute babies.....I have some Black cochins that just hatched too...I just love them

My swap eggs are in the hatcher, I can't wait until morning, they should be hatching
Good luck on your hatch! Hope you get lots of babies. I was talking to someone yesterday, and we were discussing how we just love to pet cochins....they're so soft.
Holy Cow!

I didn't even realize that mine are supposed to go into lockdaown tonight. I was going back through the old posts and just figured it out. Last time I candled, all eight of my eggs were dark. I think I did it at about day 13-14. The air sacs are really loose but I'm gonna hope for the best. The only one that I could see actual veins and moving is the cracked egg. The air sac on it is really messed up so I am shocked. Hopefully I'll have some baby EEs coming in a day or two. My Barred EE pullet decided it wanted to be a roo. It was almost 6 months old before it showed any signs. It never crowed, got tail feathers, or pin feathers. My son bought a 4 month old Americauna pullet at an auction and two days later it crowed. I don't think it is a pullet. Hopefully I can get some little pullets out of these eggs. I got rid of the barred cockeral only only have the black and white one left.

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