***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Hope you don't mind if I join, I've had a break and now planning to hatch 30 silkie eggs, hope to set tomorrow evening (12 arrived today and another 18 in the postal system) fingers crossed some will hatch.
I just put in 20 sermas and 12 silkies
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

featherz: Wow - I wonder if I could see threw my button eggs with that?
How much was it?
The Lisser: Welcome to the club!
for your hatch!

I kind of have some sad news ... not that sad ... if any baby buttons hatch out then I will have to sell some of them to a pet shop!

Isn't that just horrible?

Oh - Well!

Thanks for the welcome Mrs. Fluffy Puffy!

I added 7 Mille Fleur D'uccle eggs today (they are so tiny!). Also candled my other eggs - day 7. 5 of 10 shipped silkie eggs appear to be developing. 4 look like they never started. One looks like a blood ring - but I am not sure (like I said, this is my first time incubating). It doesn't smell bad, so I left it in. What do you all think? Should I remove the "duds" or leave them for another week?

It is SO COOL to see little embryo moving around!!!!!!!!!!

If in doubt and they don't stink, leave them in!
If, at lockdown, they are clear, not dark, take them out -- BUT STILL, if in doubt & they don't smell, leave them in. -- BEST CASE SCENARIO, YOU WILL GET PEEPS! ............... Worst case scenario -- they won't hatch! BT,DT,GTTS
Broody is now happily sitting upon 8 eggs, 2 Splash(the only 2), 2 white, 2 lavender split, 1 partridge and black silver split. The rest shall be incubated!
Sophie hasn't hatched out any baby guineas yet ...

I found a broody hen behind the calf shoot the other day ... she was setting on 7 eggs. So now I have even MORE chicks hatching out and I don't have room for them ..
I'm a little worried. Erie is having a sort of heat wave and the incubator heated up while I was at school today....hubby came home early and didn't notice. I've got two thermometers in there, analog and digital, and they NEVER agree. I'd guess it got to about 104, likely not for long. Between that and the lack of twitching when I candle, I'm terribly worried about the quail. They entered "lockdown" today, though I still have had to reach in and swish the Serama eggs around. Most of the Serama eggs were developing on target when I candled last night. I will be SO SAD if this hatch fails due to heat wave after making it this far

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