***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

I have just been having a hatching machine the last 48 hours ... I have one more egg that I think I'm going to have to open. I have lots of pictures and really am not sure f the best way to have them appear. I tried loading them here but that takes forever and they don't seem to stay in order. I am very interested in people's thoughts on which ones are which color/sex.


Is where i have the pictures (hope this link works). There are three shots of each chick, front, side, and top. Plus some extra pictures of the hatching itself.
Just checked on the bator again, nothing!

Somehow I am going to make myself not look at the incubator again until this afternoon ...... ( your think "Right!"
There is 5 out now and a few more just pipped. I stepped on a nail out in the yard and it went through my sandal and halfway through my foot earlier today so now I have to hobble between the bator and the bed LOL!
well another nice hatch for me 32 outn of the 38 that made it after the 1st candle.AN assortment of bantams from 3 different byc members!!3 broodies have chicks in the barn and 18 I hatched in the house.
OOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEE! I am so sorry you hurt your foot !!!!! I have a little idea of what you're going through. Two weeks ago I fell on my mom's wheelchair ramp up to my front door and broke my right foot! I'm hobbling slowly everywhere! I didn't realize how fast I was moving until I Couldn't go that speed any more! Is it your right or left? Can you still drive? You poor thing! Take care of it!!
That has happened to me too many times. The grandsons are always "building" stuff and leave everything laying including the nails and screws. That and pieces of wire from building cages. I wear crocks and things just go right through them.
I get nailed to my shoes. Have to pull it out to get the shoe off. I once stuck a wire that hd been laying under a chicken pen so it was pretty nasty. I puled it out and boiled it out with peroxide and I was fine. No infection. I got lucky. But my arms are full of scratches from cage doors. I processes some quail today and they gave me a fight so I think I lost almost as much blood as they did just trying to get a hold of them.

I have 36 cortunix quail due today. I had problems with the incubators so who knows what i'll get. I candled them and they looked good. I'll be soo glad when DH gets my cabinet built. We're still collecting parts. We take donations.
had two duckies hatch this morning. will probably be joining the oct hatch a long with a batch of coturnix eggs and might even possibly manage to order some more bobs yay! my duckies are toot!

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