September Hatch-A-Long!

Well my final fluffy butt count is 20 outta 28
which is better than I expected since last hatch was 0. I had a few at the end that were shrink wrapped the others came out with out a problem there was one that pipped the vein and my twins didn't make it I think they ran outta room because they were jammed in there their was not even a air sac left and they hadn't pipped and still had good size yolks
but all in I am very proud of myself very first time assisting they both pipped wrong end one through the yolk and both are doing very well you can't tell them apart from the other guys besides the fact that they look alike. and hopefully
they continue to thrive. I also taped curled toes It was a night and day of many first for me. Hopefully her feet straighten out she is the cutest little chick but I do have my favorite I'm defiantly keeping him now I have to pick out which other ones I want. My mom is taking a few and then the rest will go up to a farmer in the mountains that lost about 20 chickens to fox over the past month. Now that I'm addicted what should I hatch next???????????
Congrats to all the new little peep parents. Good luck to those who are expecting

OK I ordered 6 bantam Cochin show eggs. they are very small creamy, almost pink eggs. Its day 2 and I know I broke the day 7 candling rule, but two already have spider veins and heartbeats, the other 4 nothing. should I worry yet?
Went into lockdown last night. However one of the "window" had fallen off without me noticing. So my poor hubby spent the day checking and rechecking the incubator temps and humidity trying to get it stable. Since this is our second hatch and the first practically did it by itself, he had no experience with the incubator.

Say a little prayer they all survived.
I do not want to give you false hope.but will share my latest that has turned out good.
I posted about my last chick...............day25 never would have made it out on it's own because it was so huge.
I did not think it had a lethargic................Every time I would check on it, I thought it was gone......laying on it's side,
one leg in the air and no interest in getting up.. After three days it was getting up a litte............day5 walking around but still really slow like no energy.
This morning the little devil is making up for lost time.....made me LOL watching it pecking food and drinking.
So give it some time.....I hope it gains strength.................:hugs

I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm fighting for the little guy. I had to keep him in my sports bra (the crazy things we do for chicks) to get him dried off and warm. I'm trying everything and all the avice helps!

Tara, just getting is the chickie?

Have you tried Vitamin E? Pop the gel cap, squirt the oil out, apply to side of beak and/or in the water/food and feed if possible.
This helps newly hatched chicks who are weak or showing signs of wry neck.
Repeat daily for 3 to 5 days, They usually just "snap" right out of it...PM me if you like...:fl Chirp

I hadn't heard of the vitamin E thing until now! I have tons of it, because we used to have to give it to a foster dog, so I gave some to Pip directly and then added some to his vitamin/Karo water. He is a bit more perky, but not able to stand on his own or keep his balance. When he does stand on his own it's very wobbly and on his haunches. I candled the rest of the eggs and they didn't make it at all :( but that allowed me to use the bator for his brooder for the night. I've been doing his water with a dropper every hour or so, and then we do exercises for his legs, by helping keep him balanced while he stands. At this pint he is only 24 hours old, so I haven't given him food or egg yolk yet, because he is barely swallowing his water. I'm not sure what happened during his hatch, but he had a lot of yellow liquid on him and got it all over the bator, so I'm thinking something went wrong and he didn't get to absorb all his yolk sack. Either way the hubby and I are going to try everything we can to get h healthy. Thank you for the vitamin E advice!
I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'm fighting for the little guy. I had to keep him in my sports bra (the crazy things we do for chicks) to get him dried off and warm. I'm trying everything and all the avice helps!
I hadn't heard of the vitamin E thing until now! I have tons of it, because we used to have to give it to a foster dog, so I gave some to Pip directly and then added some to his vitamin/Karo water. He is a bit more perky, but not able to stand on his own or keep his balance. When he does stand on his own it's very wobbly and on his haunches. I candled the rest of the eggs and they didn't make it at all :( but that allowed me to use the bator for his brooder for the night. I've been doing his water with a dropper every hour or so, and then we do exercises for his legs, by helping keep him balanced while he stands. At this pint he is only 24 hours old, so I haven't given him food or egg yolk yet, because he is barely swallowing his water. I'm not sure what happened during his hatch, but he had a lot of yellow liquid on him and got it all over the bator, so I'm thinking something went wrong and he didn't get to absorb all his yolk sack. Either way the hubby and I are going to try everything we can to get h healthy. Thank you for the vitamin E advice!

Repeat with a little bit of the oil/water mix, drip on its beak every couple hours. Should see good results within 8 to 12 hours. Continue Vit E mix at least 3 times a day for 3 to 5 days with feed mix when it's able to eat on it's on. Good luck, hang in there chickie! Chirp
My power is out. Power company said 1:45 minutes for the power to come back on. I fell asleep waiting. Woke up just past that time. Called again, now power won't be back on for 5 more hours. My chicks seem to be ok. I put hot water in plastic bottles in their brooders. But it didn't help my eggs. Some of them went into lockdown tonight. They were at 79'. I took the most expensive fragile ones and have them on my legs. I'm afraid if I lie down I will fall asleep. Hard to stay awake with no power. I wish I had thought to bring a book and flashlight to bed with me. The only really young chick I have is Max. Max is used to napping with me. I hope I do to have to pee anytime soon.
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My power is out. Power company said 1:45 minutes for the power to come back on. I fell asleep waiting. Woke up just past that time. Called again, now power won't be back on for 5 more hours. My chicks seem to be ok. I put hot water in plastic bottles in their brooders. But it didn't help my eggs. Some of them went into lockdown tonight. They were at 79'. I took the most expensive fragile ones and have them on my legs. I'm afraid if I lie down I will fall asleep. Hard to stay awake with no power. I wish I had thought to bring a book and flashlight to bed with me. The only really young chick I have is Max. Max is used to napping with me. I hope I do to have to pee anytime soon.

Went into lockdown last night. However one of the "window" had fallen off without me noticing. So my poor hubby spent the day checking and rechecking the incubator temps and humidity trying to get it stable. Since this is our second hatch and the first practically did it by itself, he had no experience with the incubator.

Say a little prayer they all survived.:fl
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