Serama Chicks and Adults - Free to Upstate SC residents

hey luann!!
welcome to BYC, glad to see ya here!!!
there is a few of us ussc members here so no worries, u'll be right at home here. glad to see u back at it, that is awesome!!

The larger ones are like any bantam - those that are about 20 ounces or more don't need special arrangements. The tiny ones can't take extreme cold or wind. I have had good success by keeping them in smaller rabbit hutches with a heat lamp during cold weather.

I'd be happy to give you a trio of the over 20 ounce birds and you can get more or smaller ones if you decide to later.
I got my seramas from Frank and one of them was from your lines. I think it is the white one, right fronk? I would have to look back at my notes. I am in love with seramas now and just got 28 more eggs from Frank and they are in the bator now. Glad to meet you Luan. I am a member of the Serama group but don't get over there much. I have to do that more. Glad to see you here. Wish I were closer, I would take some of your birds.

i have 2 from luann from a year or so ago. and i got some white w/blk tips from luann/lee a few months ago. i believe that is right correct me if i am wrong luann. i have solid whites from brians sparks line. good luck marie..

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Eeek! I didn't know this! Is this the Luanne that I know from NCpoultry and through Ron, btw?

I'll have too mapquest. Would love a trio if I can get to you.
I've just starting making myself some seperate nice raised cages so would be able to have them seperate from my bigger guys. ;-)
Yes - that's me! Ron gave me some offspring from the birds I gave him - they are so cute.

Ron will be glad to hear we might have another hooked on Serama. I can see that you are a careful chicken owner - if you want breeders or just for fun Serama, I am delighted to get some to you.
Oh yay! I was wondering how you were doing. Glad to see you have been able to find some more babies after the fire. :-(

Yes, I'd love to get some of the bigger ones so I can enjoy them, but not neccesarily have to have them in a heated area (although I'm betting they'd end up in a cage in the basement when it gets cold this Winter, anyway!
). I mapquested and I'm about 1hr40m from you. I have a USPS test coming up in Hickory Tuesday, but it looks like you're in a totally different direction. hehe I'll figure something out.

Thank you! :)
PM or email me an address and I will see if my GPS can find you and I could see about bringing you some - I love to drive. That goes for both of you. Asher, how many do you want. I have a trio of wheatons, a group of 4 (2 boys mottled 2 girls black) that free range and live in harmony, a mottled barred roo with a black hen, a laced red roo with 2 hens, etc.

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