seramas the cutest chickens in the world

i want seramas!
Put mine in lockdown today
I think 6 are good.I am not good a candeling.
Four were clear for sure....two??????????
I am so hopeful.
Eggs and live can be found in the BYC auction.
Good Luck
I do, I do!! It was completely unplanned. I don't normally go for bantams, but a seller sent me two as surprise extras with an order. Then I had to get another batch of hatching eggs when I realized my batch under the broodies are all duds, so I had that seller throw in two more Serama eggs. I'm glad you started this thread - I'm totally new to incubator hatching, and I know nothing about Seramas. I found myself getting excited about the idea of these tiny little pretty birds, and I'm hoping to get away with keeping a rooster since they are so small. So far it looks like two of the eggs are developing. I'll have to take a picture and show Serama people - the first two eggs are SO SMALL, and the second two are noticably larger.
I wonder if many keep seramas indoors, since they're so small? I can't imagine them being much messier than a medium to large parrot, anyways (speaking from experience, I have super dusty cockatiels!). I already have indoor ducks (well they spend about half the day outside usually) but I don't think my parents would mind a tiny serama indoors as well lol.
We kept our 2 Seramas that hatched last July inside all winter long. Although on warmer days they did spend a few hours outside. They weren't nearly as messy as I thought they would be & were very easy to take care of

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