
I have to stop looking.


Cute birds you all have.

Seramas have upright tails and short backs with vertical is hard to achieve this continually even with good breeding. Make sure that you cull the non-seramas (or sell them as "just bantam" teeny cute pets)
If you dont cull your birds, the genes go bad quickly...and you will end up with NON-Seramas. Plus if you keep breeding the best, and looking for type, you will have a bird that is worth something! People keep selling the junk and calling it a Serama, and as this continues the breed just gets lower and lower quality.
Teeny Telula

Vertical tail and wing
I know there are more Serama people out here!!
The Serama in my hand was my first one to ever hatch, I felt like it was my first born child
They are sooo tiny and sweet. I will have to get better pics of our little micro tomorrow next to one of her sisters. She only half their size and about the size of a bantam newly hatched chick. I hope she stays that way!!!! The OP has no idea the cuteness they are in store for!
Keep a close eye on your little Micro. We have had some birds that were born very teeny, they all seem not to be quite as healthy. Get extra vitamins for them..

One, Tiny Tim stayed feathered out like a 3 week old for 4-5 months.
It was so weird. All his brothers and sisters lived outside in the big tractor and were fully feathered, but he was still in the brooder with friends that were getting bigger than him. He was smaller than the normal ping pong ball size when hatched.

The 2 micro birds we have now, were about the same size as everyone until 4ish months, and then you could see that they really werent growing much more.....
Best of luck with her!
Thanks for the headsup. She is doing great, she is growing at the same rate as the others, she just not as big as them, feathering fine, eating fine, I also offer them scrambled eggs daily and she is really bossy and seems to hold her own. I will watch out for her though, it sounds like I may have another house chicken on my hands

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