Seriously need some information ASAP so worried


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 28, 2014
Glasgow , Scotland , uk
Today I let my girls as per first thing and they seemed fine but about two hours later I popped out to see / chat to them and notice one of the lady's was in the coop just sitting where she usually lays so thought oh she must be laying but when I popped out again about an hour later she was still there? So being a newbie at this I thought I'd look on this and everything seemed to go towards her being broody (I don't have any males) but she isn't growling or biting or fact she's being very placid and let's you pet her no problem ? She's usually a very active girl . I'm genuinely worried I'm going to find her past away in the morning.. Any help would be great
She is likely just waiting to lay her egg or recovering/resting up after having laid her egg. Some days they can make quite the production of the whole affair. *I* wouldn't worry until/unless she continued this way the rest of the day, failed to go to roost with the flock, etc.

How old is she? Has she been laying eggs normally until now?
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Need some help my chick was attack by her hen mum she must of seen blood and gone wild witch is left the chick in a mess we're I can see its scull how do I clean chick what with and what pain killers or antibiotics could I give it as rang around and no one Is helping me many thanks
She's been like this the whole day :-/ I'm pretty sure she had laid around 9 hours ago ? She's only 9 months old.. I let her out to roam the garden just after I'm sure she had laid the egg and she seemed to wander peck the mud ate some meal worm and kept just sitting on the ground till she just wondered back up to the coop and reverted just sitting docile again
Could be thinking about being broody. I've had a 9 month old do that. I'd suggest picking her up and gently putting her outside. If she goes back, give her a half hour and do it again if she isn't clearly laying an egg. It can take a few days of that to convince her to give it up.
She's been like this the whole day :-/ I'm pretty sure she had laid around 9 hours ago ? She's only 9 months old.. I let her out to roam the garden just after I'm sure she had laid the egg and she seemed to wander peck the mud ate some meal worm and kept just sitting on the ground till she just wondered back up to the coop and reverted just sitting docile again

Sounds like when my first bird went broody, took her around three days to settle in to being a total jerk, and not moving....
Thanks everyone I'm praying it is just her wanting to be broody cause that can be delt with..I'll spend allday tomorrow taking her out the coop and hopefully catch it early ..and nenine really hope your chick gets better soon who'dve thought the worry you feel when one gets unwell or hurt...I'll keep you's updated and thanks again ppl
Well she's defo just broody!! Let out again today and after a bit of food & water up she popped back up to the coop and sat :-/ so I decided to go to the gym for a couple of hours and see if when I got back there was any change...simple answer no lol so took the step of taking her out the coop (which wasn't easy as she growled , bite ,sqwacked ) then once I got her out not a single egg in the coop? Ghost egg? Not sure if this is normal so I've decided to lock the coop is this a good idea (only for a few hours) and I thought would closing the nesting spot where she sits help?

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