Set eggs today Saturday 2/22 - anyone else?

I candled my shipped eggs tonight and 11 of the 12 are showing development, but all have terrible air cells. I love this incubator. It keeps the temperature and humidity really steady.
I'm just finishing up day 5 so I decided to do a partial candling to see what was up. I checked 15 of my 36 eggs and all but 1 looked great. They all seem to be equally formed and look very good. I couldn't get a pic because I used the flashlight on my phone to view them. I will get some pics Saturday at my full 7 day candling.
I checked some of the Rhodebar, EE, and SBELs.
My air cells looked textbook too. Now I feel less apprehensive about washing the eggs and increasing humidity.
Hope every one else is going good.
augh! I have tonsillitis! down for the count!

eggs are holding steady though.... humidity was fluctuating, but I think I have fixed that. will candle tonight or tomorrow depending on how much longer I stay awake!

Candled all tonight day 6. 47 good development. 2 clear and one blood ring.
I candled everything tonight. 4 clears, 1 unsure and 19 eggs showing development. One week down, 2 more to go. I have a questions, if I quit turning on day 16 for my shipped eggs, will it hurt the rest of my eggs?
I candled everything tonight. 4 clears, 1 unsure and 19 eggs showing development. One week down, 2 more to go. I have a questions, if I quit turning on day 16 for my shipped eggs, will it hurt the rest of my eggs?

I think the more critical time in the turning process is from day 5 to about 15 or so. By day 16 the good ones should be developed fully enough to not be in danger of sticking to the membrane. I'm curious though, why you want to stop on day 16?
I also did a full candling tonight for day 7. I removed 4. 2 were clear and 2 looked like early quitters. That leaves me with 32 in the bator, and 29 I feel good about. 2 or 3 were questionable, but I couldn't be sure so I left them in.
What sucks about it was that 2 of the 4 I took out were rhodebars, but I've still got 10 doing their thing so I guess it's cool.
Hope everybody else is doing good too.
I think the more critical time in the turning process is from day 5 to about 15 or so. By day 16 the good ones should be developed fully enough to not be in danger of sticking to the membrane. I'm curious though, why you want to stop on day 16?
All of my shipped eggs had detached air cells. So I read all the posts I could find and most of them said to stop turning the detached air cell eggs on day 16, and leave them upright for lockdown. This is my first time trying this, so I hope it works.

I also removed 4 this weekend that were all clears. Fortunately mine were from a friend who had concerns her rooster wasn't doing anything. I can tell her he is not. I saw movement in a lot of them and my kids love to check the eggs.
Oh ok. That makes sense. I'll be anxious to see how that turns out.
I've hatched both ways- letting them lay flat and standing them up in cartons.
The only problem I had with hatching upright is sometimes the chick gets stuck in the shell, but they still get out of it fine. Usually my hatches are big enough that I don't have enough space to use the cartons and still have room for the hatched chicks to move around.
Threw out 4 today, two of my own that appear to have never been fertile and two shipped eggs that I had suspicion were pretty scrambled from the get go... :(

I still can't see ANYTHING in my marans eggs? One of the lighter ones definitely is developing, but the rest are just too dark... In the absence of smell and anything else wierd, how long until I need to start worry about exploding eggs? Any advice on candeling them?

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