Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

Awesome hatches guys!


We have two and 5 on the way!

Praying for another pip!

Hello fellow March hatchets, I need some advice. Today is day 23 for my hatch. Yesterday, one chick hatched but there has been no pips at all besides the 1. What should I do? Should I candle the eggs? The science teacher I'm working with wants to open them up herself but that doesn't sound like the right plan to me. Suggestions please? How long do we wait? Thanks!
I'm really sorry your chick didn't make it, but congrats on the excellent hatch rate.

Cheryl you are hatching some really cool breeds! Congrats on the Buttercups!

new2chooks come on babies, hatch, already!

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