Settin chicken eggs tonight! 8-4-11

You never know.

We were supposed to get a bunch of rain this week Tuesday through Thursday and it's Friday and we haven't got a drop!

i just got back inside from candling and 5 put of 6 eggs are fertile.

#1: BIG black blob that had an airsack in the right spot!! yay!!

#2: so amazing! like 3 days away!! i was candling and all of a sudden i could see the chick move and look at me!! OH MY SNICKERS thats awesome lo!!

#3: small black blob with veins!!! yay!! oh and it looks like it was laid the day we got all the eggs!

#4: BIG black blob!! same as the #1!!

#5: same as #4 and #1!!!

#6: clearish yellow yoak!!! so unfertile!!

i couldnt get any pics. because i was scared i would drop on and get in truble!!
lol soory but you would completely be shoked if you saw the #2 chick look at you!!! lol!!

<3 kelsey
Hi! I'm almost half way through my first incubation! The chicks are due to hatch on August 23rd! I've been reading all the posts about candling eggs! I saw some embryos moving about in the egg and some where just large dark blobs inside. I'm not sure what exactly I'm looking at unless I can see the baby chick moving about in the shell. I was moving pretty fast through the eggs though because I heard it was bad to keep the eggs out of the incubator too long! Can someone give a detailed description of what fertile eggs should look like at 10 days? Also what to look for when trying to find bad eggs? Thanks everyone!
@Lucyboo.. Your photos are not coming through. Try, thats what I use, and make sure you post the code for forums(it will have url in it.

OK now for progress on my eggs!

I have in the excellent catagory: TOTAL- 12
3 BO
3 EE
6 banty

These all have major veining, and embryos. They also seem to be bouncing around in there, moving like a baby in the womb.. Is that normal?

Now I have in the 'I dunno catagory' TOTAL- 10
2 BO
2 EE
6 banty

These being too dark to tell, its mostly dark with a light spot on the pointy end

Then I have in the unfertile/dead (maybe) TOTAL- 2
1 BO
1 EE

These being either clear, or a little dark in the middle but no signs of growth
lol i tryed and and dont knwo if anything will show up!!! lol haha i think its because i dunno how to do it lol !!!!!!

i will try or whatever you suggested ill go back to your post and look at it again lol wish me luck!!! lol

<3 kelsey
LOL... I have never used anything but tiny pic, so I dunno how to tell you how to use them, but I assume theyre mostly the same..

On tiny pic, after it says you have successfuly uploaded your pic, you will see the pic you uploaded, then you will see a list of codes, find the one with 'url'.. Thats the one you want for forums. Copy and paste into your post. Make sure you get the entire code copied or it wont work
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ok imon and when you go on the website the first thing you see is this

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what do i type in the file section?

<3 kelsey

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