Setting a hatch...wanna join??


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Argos, IN
Well I am doing things a tad different this time. I have mostly fertile eggs for one
Second I noticed my air cell on the one surviving egg is not big enough so I have now weighed all these eggs. Going for the 15% loss thing. I also don't have another incubator and don't want to open mine until I know for sure this one is not going to hatch, so I've rigged up a tote and have temps good for over 24 hours now. Once this one does..whatever its going to do
Then I will move them into the incubator and keep the humidity lower than I did before.

I am setting 20 eggs of all varieties and hopefully this hatch works better than the other one!
We will wait and see.

Feel free to join at anytime!
I won't be setting till next week. Mine are being shipped tomorrow. Can't wait. Got 24 Blue Marans eggs coming!!
Good luck with your hatch!!
Im setting eggs tonight! 2 dozen from my buff orp girls, They are free ranging with a wheaten ameraucana roo and a black ameraucana roo so I will end up with lots of little EE chicks. I also have one lonely bright blue egg from one of my wheaten ameraucana girls. They are just coming off a molt and just starting to lay again so egg color is awesome and Im fairly positive only the wheaten roo has been tagging them as they were raised together, follow the wheaten everywhere and the black is very submissive and a bit of a loner . I have room for 6 of them on top of the 2 dozen buff eggs so the one I have and whatever blue eggs are laid in the next few days will go in for a bit of a staggered hatch.

Happy Hatching!
I was hoping one of my EE's I got this spring would lay blue but two have not started laying yet and the one that did laid white! Stinkin chickens.
OH well I grabbed a few of her eggs too, not sure how they will hatch. They seem small but so is she. She is mixed with something small for sure. I have about 3 or so pure GLW's and the rest are a mix of my GLW roo and them. My older ones are molting too. I was hoping they would lay or at least one of them for this hatch but non did.
I will see today if a lady friend who has a few EE's has any eggs to give me. I'll add them in as I JUST put them in. Whats a few hours right?!

Good luck to all who hatch with me!
I JUST set my eggs came on here and saw this! I want in! I set:

12 White Ameraucana (from NoseyChickens)
7 Black (pure black no splits) Silkie eggs - super excited as these are my first batch from my new roo
17 Lavender or black splits Showgirls/silkies (from 2 pens - one has a LSG roo over 3 lav silkie, and one black split silkie hen. The other pen has a split silkie roo over 4 LSG hens.)
6 Paint Silkie eggs (from Elite Silkies) This batch is in my Brinsea Mini while all the rest are in a Hovabator Genesis.

This will be a batch where I am going to be doing a few things differently. For one I am going to have to divide the bator for hatching so I can keep the two pens of LSGs and the Black silkies separate. Once they hatch this will be my first time toe punching...I will be toe punching the splits so I can tell them from the pure blacks. AND I will be vaccinating everyone right out of the incubator for Mareks as a friend is fighting with this so I am now taking a better safe than sorry approach and will be vaccinating all chicks from now on.

This will be the biggest hatch I have done and most varieties I have done at once so I really hope I can keep them all straight! It will also be the first time with my new protocols (vaccinating, and toe punching). What did I get myself into?!?! LOL!
today is the first day for my eggs! just a bunch of mutt chicken eggs but they were free and im sure i have worked things out much better this time then last time. heres to hoping for a better hatch
I just put in 12 silkie eggs my friend let me have. Too old to ship out, so it was either eat 'em, or let me hatch.
I did a batch of her eggs in June...GAWGEOUS babies!!! And just for fun, I took some Marans eggs out of the fridge.
My pullets just started laying, and, well, there was all this room.....
I PROMISED MYSELF NO MORE this year!!! oops. Darn little fuzzybutts.

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